Chachapoyan temple map...official map design?


Sr Member
Today I finally saw the new "Lost Journal of Indiana Jones" book...and since the book is apparently licensed by Paramount, would I be right in assuming that the image of the map to the Chachapoyan temple, the details of which were never actually seen in the movie, would now be considered the "official" design of the map?
Just curious.
Didn't Indy Magnoli create the map for that book? Whether it's now canon, don't know. It's certainly not what the screen-used map was...or was it? Has ANY reference for the screen-used map ever surfaced? I know some claim it was nothing more than blank paper, but I'd swear I can see SOMETHING there.
yeah...all I've ever heard was that it was very weathered, stained and yellowed blank paper.

I've studied the screencaps of the map before and no one has matched what was on the map yet. All the maps that have been drawn up are just the fans own representations of what they think it would've looked like.
Yes, the map featured in that book is my own creation based on both the Raiders backstory and the actual Chachapoyas region. I've tried to track down more info on the original prop, but nothing. I've heard both stories, that the original was blank and that it did indeed have something on it. But I have yet to see anything that proves one theory or the other.

Kind regards,
Without a doubt there is a number 2 on the back of Indy's portion of the map.

I'm also making out some kind of ink on the map, something curved in the middle which may be intended to be a stream or river.


I admit the "2" looks pretty prominant from the back....However, the big crease, (to the upper right of the "2") looks like it has the same shade of color. Which could mean the "2" is just a crease shadow (Albeit, pretty wierd that it resembles a #2).

As for the other ink writing, it's less convincing.

The light is reflecting off the map in such a way that it creates a matrix of darks and lights, which makes it hard to tell if it is writing or shadows/stains. It could be drawings though...Just hard to tell.

BTW, the supposed "River" which you circled in red, looks alot like Italy!

Im wondering if Spielberg's prop team just printed a map of Europe and weathered the hell out of it.



Notice the left circled area has something that looks like Italy...And the right circled area, looks alot like the curved eastern shoreline of the Black Sea.


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