Castor and Gem Tron Tutorial with step by step photos-PIC HEAVY!!


Well-Known Member
I'm starting this thread in the hopes that this will take some of the info in the Tron thread and condense it down a bit. There is still loads of info on there that won't be here but I think that by posting links, photos and describing the stages of the costume from supplies to finished product that this will help those that don't have the time to look through the Tron thread or who may just be overwhelmed by it. If nothing else this build should give you a head start so you know what to specifically look for in the other thread. My fiance (badmonkey) and I also plan on updating this thread with better ways to create the costumes and lights as we play around with them. I still have to light up my Gem after all!!

And now on with the build pics:

Step 1: Gather materials

Gem: spandex or miliskin, white latex, grey latex, grey acrylic paint, 1 invisible zipper, 1 separating zipper, 1 plastic finger painting tray from michaels, 1 ABS Cap, some 1/4" and 1/2" l-200 foam, white tape, 3 gallon oilless compressor, 1 latex paint sprayer, 1 compressor hose and connectors, paint mask, false eyelashes, silver contacts, cut out platform heels, shimmer powder for face, black eyeshadow, neutral lip color and gloss, 1 white identity disc, sticky back velcro, white plastic spray paint, project box, dremmel,

Castor: light weight apparel pleather, Nu-Life vinyl shoe spray in grey, heeled boots, Nu-life charcoal grey and silver vinyl shoe spray, 1 ABS Cap, 1 white identity disc, 36" acrylic rod, led flashlight, pvc connectors, oven, white hair spray or wig, silver contacts, shimmer powder, blue eye shadow, white cream or airbrush makeup for symbol, silver spandex, 1/2" l-200 foam, razors, sticky back velcro, suspenders, 1/4" l-200 foam, white tape, 1 plastic finger painting try from michaels, white plastic spray paint, dremmel

Materials that will not be used for version 2 of these two costumes:
Nu-life vinyl shoe spray, acrylic paint, grey and white latex, 3 gallon oiless compressor. I'll explain why later on.

El Tape material:
33 feet of 0.5" tape-$4.95 a foot-$163.35 total cost
2 feet 1" tape-$7.75 a foot-$15.50 total cost
Half foot 2" tape-$14.75 a foot-$7.38 total cost
1.5 feet of 6" tape-$36.50 a foot-$54.75 total cost
2 inverters-$66.00 each-$132.00 total cost
150 eyelets-$0.08 each-$12 total cost

Total for everything: $384.98 plus tax and shipping

Everything above came from Large Electroluminescent Panels and Strip Lamps - LED Panels - LUMINOUSFILM.COM --USA

Below were other materials needed that came from various stores such as radioshack, home depot and frys:
solder iron, solder(ours was not lead free), solder remover, helping hands with magnifier, wire, stripper/crimper, quick release connectors, connectors, 8 AA battery pack, 9 volt snap converter, switch, marble slab with rubber mat on top, 2mm eyelet cutter and setter (we bought ours from Joann Etc in the scrapbooking section), mallet or hammer

Here are some photos of the supplies needed for the el tape:




Getting the electronics started:

First off we wanted to save money and also have the ability to have custom length wire so we opted to buy only the eyelets from luminous film and attach them ourselves to wire. Here is my fiance all prepped and ready to do solder with his helping hands and supplies all laid out on the table and next to him.


Once the wire was stripped and wrapped around the eyelet a drop of solder was put onto it:



Afterwards some wire shrink tubing was put over the solder joint and then heated with the base of the soldering iron in order to shrink it onto the wire:




Once the tape was cut into the different lengths and shapes every piece of tape was covered in a clear laminate called "3m scotchguard paint protection film". We purchased it from

Once you have all the wires prepped you need to attach them to your light tape. By taking the 2mm eyelet cutter you punch a hole on either side of the scribe line, insert the eyelet into the whole with the wire attached and then use the eyelet setter to hammer the eyelet down. We live in an apartment so we needed to put the marble slab and rubber mat on top of our bed while hammering to stop the noise from going through to the neighbor below:


Attaching the light tape to the suit, at first we eyeleted every section and then velcroed the segments together with overlap to make it look like a continues shape. See the back circle for example:



But then we tried the staple method where you staple the tapes together making sure the staples are on either side of the scribe lines, like side to like side. Doing this made the connection points of the light tape segments not as obvious in person as the eyelets do:


You can also see how holes were poked into the fabric and the wired fed through. Here is what the inside of the jacket between the fashion fabric and the lining looked like. This photo shows the wires in the back by the hub and also down the inside of one of the sleeves:

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Disc Hub:

For the hub we took a plastic finger painting tray we found at Michaels and drew a circle around it the size of the identity disc and another circle in the middle that will be cut out. Then my fiance dremmeled the whole circle out. Then he dremmeled the inner circle out so we were left with the same shape as the identity disc only flat. Then we used rubber cement glue to wrap strips of 1/4" and 1/2" thick foam around the cap - to create rests/stops for the disc so it didn't slip around and also because the cap wasn't quite large enough to hold the disc snuggly. We discovered it was still not quite snug enough and the magnets weren't working so we just took some white tape and wrapped it around a few times and that created the perfect snug fit for our discs to push onto without falling off of our body. The ABS cap was then hot glued on top of the plastic disc centered over the middle circle. Now we have space to put the inverter and battery pack for Castor. For gem it will just be either the inverter or battery pack while the other will go in the project box that gets attached to the lower back. After all that we sprayed the hub and plastic base white with plastic spray paint. Here's some photos to show the disc mount from different angles. Also note that we could have sanded off the lettering but we kind of liked it and we were short on time so we left it:



With the disc attached:


Attaching the disc mount:

Castor was much more difficult because both his inverter and battery pack had to go into the hub:



The switch for now:


Once the batteries were in he crossed white tape over them in order to keep everything in the hub. The hub wasn't quite tall enough to fit everything in it so that was our way of fixing it for the time being. Then we added the velcro to the top of the disc base and added velcro onto suspenders to help hold the mount and disc up on the body:


Otherwise it's so heavy it pulled the jacket back and down.

A hole was cut into the back of the jacket in order for the hub to fit through, there's a picture of it in the previous post.

For Gem: attaching the disc mount was very easy. I had a zipper at the bottom and a separating zipper on the top of the suit and the back seam left opened and unseamed so the mount could fit through:


With the bottom zipper zipped up and the top open the hub gets slipped behind the fabric and rests against my back and is stopped by the bottom zipper:



Then the top zipper is pulled closed and the tension of the skin tight bodysuit pulls against the disc hub and holds it in place. No snaps or velcro needed. Now at the time I had no lights so there was no inverter or battery pack in the hub so that could change how the mount is attached to my costume but hopefully not to much.

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The costumes


At first what I did was make a unitard out of miliskin and then had my fiance draw on half of the bodysuit all the shapes. Please disregard this AWFUL photo of me but it was late and I was tired and working non stop:



Then I cut up the bodysuit and used those pieces as patterns. If I had more time I would have transferred the miliskin pieces onto paper but I was just not in the mood and had to make due with what I had. In the end it worked out pretty well but for suit #2 I will definitely focus on getting the fabric pattern transferred into a paper pattern.


I literally just laid the miliskin cut out patterns on top of new white spandex and cut it out. The thing I did wrong, knowingly, was not give any seam allowance. It was to difficult to do with the fabric pattern and not to sound like a broken record but time was a major factor in some of my decisions. I figured since the suit was so stretchy it would be fine, which for the most part it was but I had almost no seam allowance. Here is what the suit looked like stitched together without any grey or rubberizing done to it:



Those were for a Halloween party I had lol but they're the only pics I have of the suit in that stage.

Unfortunately we didn't take any pics of me being sprayed in the latex but we tarped our balcony and used this sprayer:

Pancake Air Compressor - 3 Gallon, 100 PSI

and this gun:

Household Low Volume, Low Pressure Spray Gun

Next time we will have to try a larger tank because that tank you could only get about 2 body length sprays before it had to charge back up again. It also had to almost always be at a full tank to have enough pressure to get all the latex out evenly so there was a lot of waiting involved.

Once I was sprayed we waited an hour for me to dry and then doused the suit while on me in baby powder. That sealed it and kept it from sticking. Then my lovely fiance took a sponge brush and grey acrylic soft body paint (with very little dilution) and carefully painted all the grey.

Now about that ^^^^.....Initially I wanted to spray the white everywhere and then spray the grey latex by masking off sections of the body. The tape we used to mask was not strong enough and the grey latex would have bled underneath it. It seems pretty impossible to find a tape strong enough to stick down but not so strong we couldn't easily lift it back up without destroying the latex underneath. Next time we will try sewing the outfit out of grey and white spandex and spraying it with "clear" latex or possibly balloon rubber if it comes in clear and see if the grey shows up underneath. We'll have to do some test pieces.


There's not much to say about his other then I should have tried harder to find grey pleather. My difficulty was finding grey and white pleather that were the same. I found really thin white pleather and then thicker textured grey pleather or heavy white pleather and silver pleather that was to metallic....really the list goes on. So what I did was go to mood and bought this fabric that was in the vinyl section. It was super thin, maybe as thick as bottom weight cotton and you could feel that one side was a normal "fabric" while the other side definitely had some kind of vinyl coating on it. It felt slightly rubberized. So I bought that and then bought some shoe spray for vinyl shoes called Nu-life in grey:

Nu-Life Sprays

After I cut out all the blocked pieces I sprayed them grey and let them dry. Then I stitched them together:



I did the same thing with the pants. Here is where the trouble began. After having to handle the pieces so much from sewing the spray started to crack. Then after wearing it it really started to rub and while it looked good to start with it wasn't durable. But the spray is amazing for shoes! Oh well, live and learn. Next time, grey pleather no matter how long it takes to find.

If anyone is curious about the pattern I literally took a civil war jacket pattern and modded it severely and some victorian mens pants pattern that I also majorly modified. Here's the jacket basically done:



For his gloves I just traced around my hand and made them out of spandex. No gussets or anything, just nice and simple and effective. His boots we bought from payless so they were nice and cheap but they were black. So we sprayed them charcoal grey with the Nu-life spray and then dusted them with the Nu-life silver to give that shine look:


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The final product:

So while we didn't get everything done in time for our party we did get a lot done for actual Halloween where we went to Disneylands Trick-or-Treat party and had an awesome time! Here are the finished photos that we took of the costumes!



In this photo because of the lighting you can see the eyelets in the lights, to give you an idea of what it looks like more in person:




I like the spook factor of this photo lol:


A better shot of the contacts. Ok, in all of these photos my eyes are a bit unfocused and were actually very bloodshot but I photoshopped that out a bit. (although they're still kind of bloodshot) The reason being is my fiance and I had spent the past two weeks staying up till 2am and waking up at 8am everyday trying to get these costumes and me also trying to get my Halloween orders finished. Then we had a party sat night, spent sunday working on rubberizing and painting my suit and then Halloween we drove down to Dland and I walked around for 3.5 hours in those heels with contacts that for some reason decided to make my life hell that day. By the end of the night I couldn't see anything because my eyes were so watery and tired lol. But they looked cool!


These were the contacts we purchased:

Silver Contact Lenses | EDIT Silver Contact Lenses (Pair)

For makeup I may post that info here later but at the moment I didn't get any WIP of me doing either his or mine, all I have is my stencil for his symbol, which is the radiation symbol slightly altered:


But check out this thread for makeup:

And don't forget this thread which started it all and has even more info to expand upon making a Tron suit:

And last but not least, please everyone, vote in the Halloween contest. I'm not even going to ask that you vote for us (though if you thought our costumes worthy that would be nice :) ) but instead just VOTE! All of us entries worked so hard and now that the voting is only allowed to RPF members it will really show what our fellow artists appreciate in a costume and in skill. It takes very little time to just look over the costumes and pick your fav and I know that every vote that we and the other costumers get is so appreciated.


Here is the male:

The female:

and the kids:

********Once the contest is over I will edit this part out***********
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Alrighty, so this build thread/tutorial is done for the moment but we will definitely come back and edit it as we get more photos and do more work perfecting the costumes. Once we work on Gem's lighting we will make sure to take loads of WIP for that to post here. Maybe some of you think this is way to much info and all the pictures are silly but I know that we would have killed to have had the majority of everything in 3 large posts as opposed to having to sort through 200 pages and ask the same questions that others have asked when we couldn't easily find what we were looking for. And it's surprising once you start working on a costume like this how some of the frivolous detail photos become so helpful when actually working on the costume.

My fiance, badmonkey, will also join this thread when he gets some time to post some more info about the lights and the wiring or to answer any specific questions someone may have about how he did the wiring.

I hope this helps!!!!
Thanks so much for doing this! You're such an inspiration for me to start my Siren costume. May I ask how you did your shoes? I've already bought my base shoe but I need to tweak it. :)

Looking forward to your updates!
Thanks so much for doing this! You're such an inspiration for me to start my Siren costume. May I ask how you did your shoes? I've already bought my base shoe but I need to tweak it. :)

Looking forward to your updates!

I'm so glad! That's defintiely one of the goals I had for this thread!

I actually bought my shoes on ebay. I searched up and down for "cut out wedge" shoes. The actual shoes were these brands here:

Taildrop by Nine West

Twisted by Nine West

But they are no longer made and you'd only find them on sites like ebay. I don't even know what brand my shoes were. They actually have an open toe which doesn't read to much in person and in photos but I still need to take it to a shoe repair to have them close the toe and maybe stretch the shoe since it's a half size to small for me.
I love all the detailed information. This sort of costume is way over my head but it's nice to be able to understand more about how you did everything. Your dedication to it has really paid off.
Be proud of all your work and tutorial guys! This is fantastic!

The lighting for your Castor is pretty much what I did to achieve lighting my Quorra costume with Luminous Film Lite Tape and the copper connections.

and I did the same for my Gem costume. My girl friend Grace drew the lines on a unitard we sewed up for me and then she created the pattern from that. Was a total nightmare and was the most complicated pattern she has ever worked on she said. Turned out to be like 15 separate pieces I had to sew together.

I definitely want to try rubberizing my suit too. I think it will be good in the end to do that any way to prevent the white fabric from getting any more dirty. It so hard to keep the white clean.

Love what you did here! I so need to get my tutorial for my Quorra costume together, the thought of compiling all my photos scares me LOL! I don't even have any many detailed ones are you do here.
I love all the detailed information. This sort of costume is way over my head but it's nice to be able to understand more about how you did everything. Your dedication to it has really paid off.


Be proud of all your work and tutorial guys! This is fantastic!

The lighting for your Castor is pretty much what I did to achieve lighting my Quorra costume with Luminous Film Lite Tape and the copper connections.

and I did the same for my Gem costume. My girl friend Grace drew the lines on a unitard we sewed up for me and then she created the pattern from that. Was a total nightmare and was the most complicated pattern she has ever worked on she said. Turned out to be like 15 separate pieces I had to sew together.

I definitely want to try rubberizing my suit too. I think it will be good in the end to do that any way to prevent the white fabric from getting any more dirty. It so hard to keep the white clean.

Love what you did here! I so need to get my tutorial for my Quorra costume together, the thought of compiling all my photos scares me LOL! I don't even have any many detailed ones are you do here.

LOL You should see my gloves!! Between the Halloween party on Sat and Disneys Halloween.....well......they look like maybe I need to turn this costume into Zombie Gem! Also with the rubberizing, we did ours outside all tarped off but.....stuff just kept getting stuck onto the suit. Like little tiny hairs (we have pets so that doesn't help) and sometimes you could see little dust particles. The spraying process definitely seemed to attract dust more then the suit on it's own. But once it was dry you didn't notice to bad and from then on it kept it pretty clean. Also latex "white" dries kind of cream which I hate. I'm hoping the clear latex doesn't dry with any tint at all. If it does I'll move on to balloon rubber and give it a try.

And the tutorial definitely took some time but not as long as I thought. The most time consuming thing was resizing all the photos and cropping them and uploading them to an image loader.
Cool thread!

A question for you who have already done the Gem costume -
I know you all found the cutout wedge shoe on ebay, with the peeptoe effect....

Anyone try this one (?from china?) - the front toe appears to be all filled in already.

New Hot Yellow Gem Geometric Cutout Wedge Shoes US Size 9 | eBay

I dunno if it'd be easier to fill in the peep toe portion for a gem-inspired costume I'm gonna try to make for my wife, or if it would be easier to try and remove that big jewel looking thing. I suspect the later would be easier overall.

Cool thread!

A question for you who have already done the Gem costume -
I know you all found the cutout wedge shoe on ebay, with the peeptoe effect....

Anyone try this one (?from china?) - the front toe appears to be all filled in already.

New Hot Yellow Gem Geometric Cutout Wedge Shoes US Size 9 | eBay

I dunno if it'd be easier to fill in the peep toe portion for a gem-inspired costume I'm gonna try to make for my wife, or if it would be easier to try and remove that big jewel looking thing. I suspect the later would be easier overall.


I've never even seen that shoe! Interesting. As far as I know from researching shoes and other Gem costumes I haven't seen anyone post any info about that shoe or using it but that doesn't mean no one has.

I took my shoe to a repair store and they quoted me about $45-$55 to cover the toe and stretch the shoe. I'm going to research other shops but it's definitely a bit pricey to adjust a little section of the shoe. If you can pry that jewel thing off and then respray the shoes with that nu-life spray I mentioned then that would be way cheaper and easier.
That's awesome!! Your EL Tape work is astounding! I envy you for going through with it! We gave up and used reflective tape/fabric LOL!

I need to fix ours, heavily. I also need fix my shoes. bllahhh! This is so awesome! LOVE IT! You both look so good!

LOL You should see my gloves!! Between the Halloween party on Sat and Disneys Halloween.....well......they look like maybe I need to turn this costume into Zombie Gem! Also with the rubberizing, we did ours outside all tarped off but.....stuff just kept getting stuck onto the suit. Like little tiny hairs (we have pets so that doesn't help) and sometimes you could see little dust particles. The spraying process definitely seemed to attract dust more then the suit on it's own. But once it was dry you didn't notice to bad and from then on it kept it pretty clean. Also latex "white" dries kind of cream which I hate. I'm hoping the clear latex doesn't dry with any tint at all. If it does I'll move on to balloon rubber and give it a try.

And the tutorial definitely took some time but not as long as I thought. The most time consuming thing was resizing all the photos and cropping them and uploading them to an image loader.

and the only way for me to fix the dirty gloves on my Siren costume is to take off the entire arm and resew another arm on... no thanks. The gloves are not sewn at the wrists, the seam starts above my elbow with the white material, like the movie suit. I will just keep using my tide pen and bleach the dirty areas thank you very much LOL! Getting so sick of doing repairs to the costume when I would like to concentrate on rubberizing it and maybe lighting it up.... ONE DAY.

Oh, I used the same contacts as you! :) I love them, but they do seem to bother me alot. They will keep rolling up my eyelids in cold air conditioned places I am in. I also still wish I could at least find some with the black outer ring.

Oh as for clear latex, where do you get that from? I know what you mean about casting latex drying cream off white colored. That is why I don't want to use that to rubberize the suit. I used that white casting latex tinted with dark silver aryclic paint to mold my rubber finger tips. The only rubber part of my suit right now are my rubber finger tips. I hope you don't mind, but I attached a pic here so you can see them, another tutortial I will have to make, it was tedious but pretty easy. Except the rubber cement I am using to hold them to the white fabric on my gloves keep popping off every time I wear the costume.

Ballon rubber is what they used to rubberize the actual movie suits. I have purchased black ballon rubber paint, I wonder if they sell clear from the company I purchased from, let me have a look....

OK found the company they seem to be the only ones that have a Transparent Ink. Not sure if this type of ink can be applied to regular fabric but it is meant to rubberize. Have a look at these links and have you found any other Ballon clear transparent ink companies to use?

This would all be a test, I want to order samples of the transparent ink and see what happens.

Page 5 of 5 on this PDF has the Transparent ink #70:
Oh as for clear latex, where do you get that from? ...
OK found the company they seem to be the only ones that have a Transparent Ink. Not sure if this type of ink can be applied to regular fabric but it is meant to rubberize. Have a look at these links and have you found any other Ballon clear transparent ink companies to use?

This would all be a test, I want to order samples of the transparent ink and see what happens.

Page 5 of 5 on this PDF has the Transparent ink #70:

Is that ink really meant to rubberize? To me it looks like it's ink that can be printed onto rubber items. I don't think it will actually rubberize anything though. I'm not sure, I could be reading it wrong. If it does though I would think my biggest concern is is it safe to be applied to skin? When we do a new suit and rubberize it again it will have to be on my body and that stuff definitely seeps through. But it's definitely interesting and worth a test!

Here is where I was thinking of buying balloon rubber from, though I have no idea what color it is. I know it has to be dyed so it's either natural, white or transparent. Probably white or natural though. Plus they're in Van Nuys so you can just go there and pick it up or ask questions about it. Though whenever I talk to them on the phone they haven't been super helpful lol.

Here is some clear latex I found:

Professional HD Makeup - Graftobian - Liquid Latex - Clear - One Gallon

You can get them in small bottles to so I'm thinking of getting a small bottle and testing it on grey fabric and see what it does. If it colors it at all it'll be a no go and I'll have to resort back to attempting to spray two different colors on the suit.

And for the gloves, I had this idea when I saw your gloves from that same pic actually. It looks like you have a flap or something in the there or is it just a panel piece? I know the underside of the siren gloves had some kind of upside down U shaped seam but I didn't do that for mine. If that isn't an actual flap then I was thinking I may make a large hole in my glove that is covered by a flap that gets velcroed down or something so that way when I eat I can try and slip my hands out of the gloves and roll them up to my wrists. Sort of like convertible ballet dance tights.

Also if anyone wants to add more info to this thread that involves Castor or Gem please do!!!!! The Tron stuff is so huge (and will probably get bigger as the sequels come out) that it'd be nice to maybe have sections/threads for specific characters or characters that share certain likeness.

I'd defintiely love to see a tutorial on the fingertips! It's funny, I normally don't do tutorials like this showing everything I did because I have my own business making costumes but I know for a fact that I would NEVER want to do these costumes for someone else lol! Maybe Castor, and maybe Gem if I got loads of money out of it and I have my pattern perfected.....but even then.....if someone can make it themselves with a little help I'd much prefer that hahahaha!