Casting straight from oil clay?

Hello all! I'm pretty new to the RPF, and prop making (3 years) but have been sculpting my whole life...seriously. I had a quick question though. I've noticed that some people have made casts in fiberglass resin straight from their oil clay sculpt, can anyone shed some light on this? What process is involved? Tutorial maybe. Any help would be great!
You need to make a MOLD of the sculpt, and then Cast in the desired medium, resin, fiberglass, rubber, etc.

A good source for tutorials would be Youtube. Type in "molding"
Thats what I thought! I've never heard of anyone just coating the actual sculpt in resin and being able to get a master from that.
You could push a positive into soft oil clay and cast resin positives directly from the clay negative. The positive would have to be small and fairly simple.

But it sounds like you'll need to make a mold for what you're doing.
yes, I know what molding is, I've molded plenty so thank you. And yes, i used the search function to no avail. There were pages and pages of peoples wips with oil clay, but no topic on said technique. Just trying to get someones opinion about it.
You need to seal the clay with a spray sealer, I use plain old clear coat. You only need a couple of light coats on the clay and then spray it with a mold release agent, I have used cooking sprays at times when I had no other mold releases, but I don't recommend it for constant use. Hope this helps.
Do you mean for molding or this casting technique? I usually seal my sculpts with flat primer then go over with a clear coat and ease release 200 before I start applying my silicone.