Carmike Cinemas replaying old movies?


Master Member
One of the 'commercials' last night at the theater was for a thing where people could vote for them to replay old movies. They were showing clips from Bladerunner, ET, 2001, etc...

They said go to www........ to place your votes.

The thing is the webaddress was so long and they only showed it for a few seconds. I can't remember what it was!! Something like www.T20RETRO...

Does anyone know about this? Maybe it was just for my local theater.
That's neat, the only problem with the one here is nobody over 15 will go to it because its such a trouble magnet.
I did some digging and couldn't find anything on the main site. So I tried a billion combination of the partial address you put up. Nada. Then I remembered what state you lived in and figured the 20 in the address was the number of screens they have. So I found 1 theater in your state that has Goonies listed and if this is your theater then I am thinking it is a local thing since mine had nothing and it isn't featured anywhere. Hope that helps. Sorry for my rambling. lol
Yep, that's my theater! Gotta see how I can vote. BLADERUNNER! BLADERUNNER!
DRAT! They said they have selected the series and voting is officially closed. BTW, the site is Carmike Retro Series I was so close! :lol

PS Look at the craptacular movies they chose. Raiders is the only thing I see that I'd be interested in.
Yeah, Reagle did this with local theaters for a while. On Wednesday night they would show a movie from the 80s. It was pretty cool, don't know why they stopped.
After looking again, I might make it to go see a couple more. The trailer showed some great sci-fi movies. I've never seen Planet of the Apes on the big screen or 2001. I wanna see some Flash Gordon and Black Hole again! :lol