Captain Jack Harkness Help


Jr Member
Hello. I'm going to be cosplaying as a femme Captain Jack and one day a screen accurate. My question is what holster does he use? I know it's a Webley, but is it a .455 or .38? Can you even get a .38 holster? Also is there a way to put it on your leg? For the femme version I want it on my leg is why I'm asking that.

Help please.
Okay, another question. Are there any more Samsung buttons out there that was used in making the Vortex Manipulator? I know I can get a button from Shapeways, but I want the Samsung one if possible.

Also should I get plastic or steel or silver for the base part? Which is better? If sanding is needed which would be easier to sand?

Also what is the size of the over all VM?
I would get the samsung button that comes along with the 3D print. You dont want to run into a sizing issue with an original button. might have a button if your're dead set on one.

I believe the Webley is a VI in a .38, Denix had a good replica. Since the leg holster isn't cannon I would worry too much about getting the exact Webley holster. I would scope out eBay for a holster. Good luck!
I'd say get the regular plastic faceplate. I got a steel one and sanded it for days and it still has print lines in it.
Sundowner: Okay, I'll go with the 3D print of the button. And thank you that helps!

Risu: Okay plastic it is, I really don't want print lines. Thank you!

Edit: Can someone tell me the size or dimensions of the .38?
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Okay so I have another question. It's about the coat. Since I can't afford the one I want, AbbyShot, at the moment I'm going to have to look for alternatives. What alternatives would you recommend?
Look for vintage WWII RAF (or RCAF, etc; the only difference as far as I know is the buttons say "RCAF" instead of "RAF") greatcoats on eBay. I got one for under $80 including shipping. It's an awesome coat for wearing in cold weather in addition to being perfect for cosplaying Jack.
I do have some of those in my saved searches, but am having a hard time finding one. :c A lot of my problem with finding one is that I can't find one in my size, they're all too big for me. But I'll continue to look for a vintage WWII greatcoat. c:
Any other suggestions if that doesn't pan out?
There's always iTailor. I had a coat from them (not intended as a replica) and it turned out great (Minus one missing button whole, but that doesn't bother me too much.). It may not be accurate, but you could get the rough look. You could also use it as a starting point and mod it yourself if you wanted.
My question is what holster does he use? I know it's a Webley, but is it a .455 or .38? Can you even get a .38 holster? Also is there a way to put it on your leg? For the femme version I want it on my leg is why I'm asking that.

Captain Jack uses a .38 Webley Mk. 4 pistol. I'm also putting a Captain Jack costume together, and I've been looking out for the right holster. The only ones for .38 calibre Webleys I've seen on eBay are the khaki-coloured webbing ones. All the leather ones (both originals and replicas) are all for the .455 version, way too big!!

Good news, though ... I've found someone who makes replica stuff for Indiana Jones costuming ... including custom holsters for Webley revolvers!! The website is called Makeitjones, and the holsters page is here. He's based in the UK, but I believe he will ship worldwide. He can make holsters to your specifications, so I'm sure he could do a leg holster, or whatever is required. Despite the website name, he DOES know about Torchwood as well!! :)

I bought a holster for my resin .38 Webley Mk. 4 off him, and it's great! I've attached a couple of photos of it. I'd previously bought a replica holster off eBay that turned out to be for the larger .455 version. To give you an indication of size difference, the holstered .38 will fit INSIDE the .455 holster! If you put the .38 pistol in the .455 holster, it disappears!! :D


I do have some of those in my saved searches, but am having a hard time finding one. :c A lot of my problem with finding one is that I can't find one in my size, they're all too big for me. But I'll continue to look for a vintage WWII greatcoat. c:
Any other suggestions if that doesn't pan out?

What I was about to do until I happened to find the right greatcoat was buy a generic grey wool trench coat that already had the right features (double-breasted, epaulettes, attached belt) and modify it to be more accurate by adding on brass military-style buttons (actual RAF buttons would probably be rather expensive to buy in a large enough quantity, but you should definitely be able to find something similar) and epaulette rank slides (which, at least as of two years ago, could be bought on eBay fairly easily, just search RAF rank slides). That might be a better option anyway if you're doing a femme version, since you could get a women's coat (not that I'd expect there to be any major differences; probably would just be cut slightly differently).
There's always iTailor. I had a coat from them (not intended as a replica) and it turned out great (Minus one missing button whole, but that doesn't bother me too much.). It may not be accurate, but you could get the rough look. You could also use it as a starting point and mod it yourself if you wanted.

I didn't know iTailor did coats! Thanks, I'll check that out. c:

Captain Jack uses a .38 Webley Mk. 4 pistol. I'm also putting a Captain Jack costume together, and I've been looking out for the right holster. The only ones for .38 calibre Webleys I've seen on eBay are the khaki-coloured webbing ones. All the leather ones (both originals and replicas) are all for the .455 version, way too big!!

Good news, though ... I've found someone who makes replica stuff for Indiana Jones costuming ... including custom holsters for Webley revolvers!! The website is called Makeitjones, and the holsters page is here. He's based in the UK, but I believe he will ship worldwide. He can make holsters to your specifications, so I'm sure he could do a leg holster, or whatever is required. Despite the website name, he DOES know about Torchwood as well!! :)

I bought a holster for my resin .38 Webley Mk. 4 off him, and it's great! I've attached a couple of photos of it. I'd previously bought a replica holster off eBay that turned out to be for the larger .455 version. To give you an indication of size difference, the holstered .38 will fit INSIDE the .455 holster! If you put the .38 pistol in the .455 holster, it disappears!! :D

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Oh wow! Thank you so much for that! That really helps. Thanks for the link! c:

What I was about to do until I happened to find the right greatcoat was buy a generic grey wool trench coat that already had the right features (double-breasted, epaulettes, attached belt) and modify it to be more accurate by adding on brass military-style buttons (actual RAF buttons would probably be rather expensive to buy in a large enough quantity, but you should definitely be able to find something similar) and epaulette rank slides (which, at least as of two years ago, could be bought on eBay fairly easily, just search RAF rank slides). That might be a better option anyway if you're doing a femme version, since you could get a women's coat (not that I'd expect there to be any major differences; probably would just be cut slightly differently).

I see. I'll probably just do that if I can't find anything else. Thank you!
Yeah it's really just the cut that's different which I don't really care about, haha.
Another question. If I was to have to buy from one of the China dealers as a last resort which of those would you recommend? Are any of them any good when it comes to the Jack coat? I know for a Tenth Doctor coat there is a decent seller, but what about Jack?
Yeah I've seen that before, but thanks! c:

I'm so stupid, I can't even find just a regular long coat with all the things needed (epaulettes, belt, double breasted). :c Gonna keep looking though.
I made one, you can check out the build in my Harkness thread. Used a mill, a lathe, and a laser cutter.