Captain America 2011 Bust sculpture P.R


Active Member
This is my first sculpture and my first molding. Maulfett teach me the tecnics and I did it. I think is good for the first time sculpting. Sorry for my English is very bad but my first language is spanish.
Is my first time and I haven't finish yet but I make the molding and I have the first statue in fiber glass. Let me know your opinion for my work thanks.
This is my first sculpture and my first molding. Maulfett teach me the tecnics and I did it. I think is good for the first time sculpting. Sorry for my English is very bad but my first language is spanish.
Is my first time and I haven't finish yet but I make the molding and I have the first statue in fiber glass. Let me know your opinion for my work thanks.
First statue in fiber glass but is not finish, need more details in belts and paint and crystal eyes. Give me your opinion please for my first work of sculpture and molding. Thank's
First statue in fiber glass but is not finish, need more details in belts and paint and crystal eyes. Give me your opinion please for my first work of sculpture and molding. Thank's
Awesome Job! The details are amazing.
Can't wait to see you paint this up. If this is your first sculpt, I can't wait to see what you crank out in the future.
gotta ask.....since the screen costume is mostly fabric based.....why did you sculpt it?