Caprica..What the Frak???


Master Member
Anyone else struggling to like Caprica?????? Season finale next week??? 10 episodes!!!! Seems like it gets worse week after week. I'm tired of the bitchy fembot and virtual crap. The stories just go nowhere. I'm a huge BSG fan, and was really hoping for something more than this.

I'm enjoying it quite a bit and feel it gets more interesting and better every week. This isn't suppose to be Galactica but I'm finding it to be cool show on it's own.
I'm with Rad... :$

I'm enjoying it more and more with each new Episode.
Then again, I knew UP FRONT this was not gonna'
be another BSG. They went a differnt route and I'm ok with
that as long as it keeps me interested..

Oh, it's it's not the Season Finale next
week. It's that mid season hiatus thing with
more Episodes coming in the Fall...
I caught some of the first episode, and didn't like it at all....I'll give it a second chance, but I'd like to start from the beginning to see them all in order. It's deffintly to as good as BSG...AT ALL. :(
I record it and then skim through the yawnage parts.

If it does not get better, it will get kicked from my record list.
Watched about 6 or 7 episodes. Couldn't stay interested... Was tired of the lame music after the first episode.
Can't get into it one bit. It's THEEEE most boring show on Tv. I loved galactica, but this one.... UGHHH... They should NEVER make spin offs. They never work. I tried watching a few episodes, and ended up turning it off.
Wait a second...the season is 10 episodes long? And this isn't a "Caprica Season 1.0" to be followed by "Season 1.5" situation?

I smell non-renewal.
What I typed earlier, next Friday is the last Episode
UNTIL it comes back this Fall for the final Episodes..
The pilot really didn't capture me, but I've found the series to be more engaging as its gone on.

Will it last? Who knows. But I like it more than most of the recent (and recently canceled) sci-fi shows I've seen lately.
Its growing on me but geesh, Adama is such a whiny little be#$

Not a lot of SciFi choices out there... Warehouse 13 which I haven't watched yet and SGU, which has a long way to go.
One of the best and most interesting shows on TV. Not surprising though that many don't like it. I've always been astounded at the number of people I've met or talked to who thought Blade Runner was a yawn fest.:wacko
They should NEVER make spin offs. They never work.
