Can you store polyester resin in plastic PET bottle


Master Member
15 minutes ago I broke the plastic funnel/cork thats inside my can of polyester resin.:cry Now i can't close it up. I have temporary sealed it with duct tape and put it inside 3 plastic bags.

Will the polyester eat the plastic bottle or do i need to find a metall can to put it into. ? Or a glass jar?

Im thinking of using a bottle like this one :
you shouldnt have a problem as long as the container is super duper obsessive compulsive disorder anal clean.
And if you have little kids running around or any adult of below average intelligence, label the bottle or just put a Mr. Yuck sticker on it. Just to be safe...
It always comes in a metal least each time I've bought it in a store. I'd be a little weary of using plastic for the above mentioned reasons.....:confused