We are a group of volunteers that like to make creations for patients (particularly children) under going radiotherapy. These creations are made using foam/paper templates, 3D printed elements, painting or a combination of all of these. (See fb Radiotherapy mask art). We finding it difficult to locate suitable templates and we do not have access to a 3D printer anymore.
We are hoping there might be people in your forum who would like to get involved or help us by make some 3D printed elements or sharing paper templates that we can use. If you would like to join our little group and help us make these awesome creations, please let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated. Please get in touch.
We are a group of volunteers that like to make creations for patients (particularly children) under going radiotherapy. These creations are made using foam/paper templates, 3D printed elements, painting or a combination of all of these. (See fb Radiotherapy mask art). We finding it difficult to locate suitable templates and we do not have access to a 3D printer anymore.
We are hoping there might be people in your forum who would like to get involved or help us by make some 3D printed elements or sharing paper templates that we can use. If you would like to join our little group and help us make these awesome creations, please let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated. Please get in touch.