Calling Mantis: What type of inhaler was based of in Casino Royale?

YenChih Lin

Master Member
Being sick has also an advantage. I got an inhaler today, because of my broncospasm. Then I remembered Casino Royale and thought: "Hey a nice little quick prop I can do".

So to all James Bond experts, especially Mantis, which pharma company inhaler was LeChiffre's based of?
Thanks, I've seen the thread, but I'm not quite sure - the cap angle looks different.

Here two good caps from my DVD:


I used an AstraZeneca inhaler due to the fact it had the same tip angles as the screen used one...then painted it silver...when I get home I will check with the exact brand...from time to time you can find them on ebay!
I used an AstraZeneca inhaler due to the fact it had the same tip angles as the screen used one...then painted it silver...when I get home I will check with the exact brand...from time to time you can find them on ebay!

Thanks, very appreciated :)