Call of Duty Advanced Warfare opinions?

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
My 11yo. nephew wants the new COD and my sister has let him play both Blackops games, despite telling her he shouldn't. She's planning on getting him the new game so is there anything worse in Advanced Warfare that I should be aware of? He mostly plays multiplayer with his friend.
Personally he's way too young for these games. There's language of course, a few f-bombs here and there at the worst, nothing he probably hasn't heard at school. Then again I watched robocop a year after it came out and i was way too young lol. Usual blood and violence. My complaint, which has nothing to do with anything he'd care about, was it's way too short for my taste and there's not enough Kevin Spacey. I'd say have her get it used because right now it's not worth 60.00.
Thanks, that's exactly what I told her. I'm glad he's interested in the military, but the violence and language was why I wouldn't let him play. Yeah multiplayer is violent, but it's no different than running around playing with toy guns. I just remember MW having that opening scene of a guy being executed from your POV.
To be honest I'd be more worried about him playing MP online than the normal game, the game's language is mild compared to the people doing the online stuff. Advanced warfare isn't as brutal as the previous games but it's still a bit much. Honestly I'd say once he's a teenager he'd probably be ready, it's still under the recommended age but given what's on tv at prime time this is nothing.
It feels like an unfinished game, even this far past the release date with countless patches you still end up starting the multiplayer with empty hands, and eventually your gun appears in them.

Customising your loudout is worse as the guns don't appear there for ages either.

The menus seem to only take notice of your button presses a fraction of the time.

There have been some great CODs in the past, this isn't one of them.
I don't know if I could take that one. He's already making fun of me because I get half the kills he does in Ghosts. I completely hate the controller for FPS games vs. using a mouse and keyboard. It's unnatural and most likely heresy. :lol
Anybody having trouble with the new update? Mine has stopped at 36% and keeps failing.