Call of Cthulhu-Masks of Nyarlathotep Props- Reimagined


New Member
After a few months of working, I'm happy to announce my new Kickstarter for my Masks of Nyarlathotep props set!

Every object has been designed, and thoroughly prototyped at this point. I'm just looking for a little help covering the costs of printing/packaging.

The Kickstarter offers several tiers, with some really cool rewards available- including a period set of passports/passport stamps.

I hope I can count on your support!


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Very cool! Do you have any other teaser pictures of the props?

(I'm already a backer and I think it's safe to say it will be funded, lol.)
I played a bit of Cthulhu roleplaying back in the 80's. But the guy running it didn't have the background concept for it.

He asked, "why would you want an old style camera with a really bright flash?".

I played a bit of Cthulhu roleplaying back in the 80's. But the guy running it didn't have the background concept for it.

He asked, "why would you want an old style camera with a really bright flash?".


Since I started the game, I've acquired a few 1910's and 1920's Brownies, none with a flash though!
I'm absolutely stunned.

This project began as a personal one, for my own group. I've been working on it for six months and I am unbelievably happy to find that there are others who find it as exciting as I do.
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The old style flashes were especially bright. They could temporarily blind a Human. And for certain deep dueling sea creatures, the bright light would be even more effective at disabling them. :)