Cabin in the woods


Sr Member
Sorry if there is already a thread on this, but I am late to the party, only just seen this on tv.

Didn't see what all the fuss was till it got to them breaking into the facility, from then on I could see why it was a classic.
Great explanation and interpretation of the ending! I did not like the ending, but now I want to watch the movie again!
Yep, that video sums up all that is brilliant about that movie. Rewatched it recently. That movie doesn't make a bad move. Every line is perfect. Every scene in its perfect place. Editing is perfect.

It's a perfect movie.
Some of those could even be references to older movies such as the Tarantula could also be a reference to the 1950s movie of the same title.
Yep, that video sums up all that is brilliant about that movie. Rewatched it recently. That movie doesn't make a bad move. Every line is perfect. Every scene in its perfect place. Editing is perfect.

It's a perfect movie.

I don't get the hate for this movie. As you just stated, everything is absolutely perfect about this movie.

Cabin in the Woods, along with Trick 'r Treat and Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, are modern examples of Horror Done Right. Both movies are intelligently made and do not sacrifice true fear inducement for the sake of splattergore.
I don't get the hate for this movie. As you just stated, everything is absolutely perfect about this movie.

Cabin in the Woods, along with Trick 'r Treat and Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, are modern examples of Horror Done Right. Both movies are intelligently made and do not sacrifice true fear inducement for the sake of splattergore.

You're examples are spot on, loved all those
I don't know why, but I've always thought most people didn't like this movie. Ever since the first time I watched it I thought it was pretty much the perfect horror movie, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels that way :)

I just noticed that it's no longer on Netflix, which sucks, but I think I will pick it up on Amazon Instant Video later tonight :popcorn
I'm not in love with the movie, but I never looked at it as a horror movie. I thought it was just more of a dark comedy with horror themes. It's a clever movie, and definitely one of a kind, but I'm not a huge Joss fan. He definitely does certain things well though.
Some of those could even be references to older movies such as the Tarantula could also be a reference to the 1950s movie of the same title.

Yep. I think many of the creatures are older and more wide spread then the clip mentions but maybe that's a givin. Fantastic film. So many retro scenes and shots. I think you'd have to be a crazy horror buff to get them all.
I don't know if you would call Cabin in the Woods a classic. A farce, yes. A classic, far from one. Honestly, I don't see the point of the movie, when you could watch all the movies that this one references and get a much better and more enjoyable film experience by watching them. Of course, that's just my opinion and I could very well be wrong.