Buying an Offworld PKD in the UK


Sr Member
I've always liked the Blade Runner blaster, and fancy getting myself an OffWorld PKD via evil-bay.
Trouble is I live in the UK, and we all know how that sucks with imports and replicas in this time.:cry

Anybody recently got one sent through since October ?

Recon I'd be dumb to try and get one sent through? or anybody know where I could get one in the UK 'direct' ?
I might take you up on the PM- I'll need specific ref photos as I am a little confused ;-)
And yes -Comet have 3 coming in for Jan (twice the Ebay price however ....)
ANyone else know ?
this customs situation is really pissing me off, i have missed loads of deals and trades etc...

its not worth the risk in my opinion to try and sneak them through customs.

i feel your pain:cry
yeh, cant see them there now......;-(

Was thinking of asking Wolf Armories in Camden, London, to order one in for me. Was thinking if they can get in airsofts etc, they should be able to do the Customs work for me.