Bulldog Cafe Menus? Photos? Logo?


Master Member
Hi Every-one,

I am in the search for the Bulldog Cafe Menu from the movie the rocketeer.

I am wondering if any-one had a copy, makes them, or have the actual prop from the movie.
Or does any-one have the Bulldog Cafe Logo or photos.

I am in the process of completing a display for the bulldog cafe, and wanted the menu, photos or logos to complete it.

Hmmm, I thought I had one, but just checked my stash of Rocketeer paper props, and it was the program from the air race, not the menu.

I know that Disney auctioned off a bunch of the menus back in the day. Surely one of our members has access to one? Post over at Finhead Central, too. Just in case someone sees the request there first...
I've been working on my own version and haven't gotten very far. Here is the best pic of the menu that I've found.


And here is my own version of the logo. It's not very accurate as I've used another dog than the one in the menu photo. I've been working on a screen accurate version but haven't made much progress.

Hmmm, I thought I had one, but just checked my stash of Rocketeer paper props, and it was the program from the air race, not the menu.

I know that Disney auctioned off a bunch of the menus back in the day. Surely one of our members has access to one? Post over at Finhead Central, too. Just in case someone sees the request there first...

Darn. Yeah, I wish I would have known about the auction. I would have went to bid on stuff. I was out of the loop during that time. I ended up picking up an item that was used in neville sinclair's room years later but that is all I have. Unless, you count the ILM Crew Lighter as a Prop too. Ugh.

Yeah, I am considering posting at the findheadcentral but it has been dead for weeks. I guess it goes through its periods of dry spells.

The logo looks great, but i still prefer the original one. There has to be some-one out ther ewith it
Yeah, here's the screen accurate version that I'm working on. It still needs work and cleaning up.

that is perfect!!!!

I wanted the logo and a menu because I was fortunate enough to find a person that had some pieces of the destroyed Bulldog Cafe on the MGM Tour.

I'm making a plaque to display the pieces, and wanted the logo on it.

Do you know what the menu says on the back? like the complete list of food and prices? If not maybe I can help find out.

Do you know what the menu says on the back? like the complete list of food and prices? If not maybe I can help find out.

I don't have a clue and that's what put the brakes on my plans to make a replica menu. If you have any insight I would greatly appreciate it.
Give me a few days. I will search around and see what I can find.

I know a person that has one but he is stubborn as a mule, and not willing to send a photo of the back. Oh well, hopefully some-one else can help us..
If anyone has it, I bet RocketBobs does.

Yeah, I figured, but that guy is impossible to contact. He dropped off the face of the earth on the rpf.

I contacted an old finhead buddy for help, but he ignored my message..ugh.

Than I contacted another person. He emailed rocketbobs my email, but no word yet. That was like 5 days ago.

I was going to contact him about the menu and another item I know he has.

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The bulldog drawing looks like Dave Stevens artwork, or a very good copy of such. You might want to dig through his legacy to see if it's a direct lift.
I think Dave Stevens did draw the bulldog cafe logo. He has a similiar logo to it in most of the rocketeer books but the dog is wearing a hat. The same logo is actually on his grave too.