Builds/Sculpts you are most proud of?

Too Much Garlic

Master Member
I know this is a difficult question as I'm sure that you are proud of everything you've done... or at least some of it and more than one, but if you should pick one... what would be the project that taught you the most and at which you felt a real sense of satisfaction in the end, when you were done?

Could easily be a work in progress.
The one that comes most to mind is a TARDIS I built when I was about 13(1979). It was about 1/12 scale and made from balsa. It was the first scratchbuild I did. I have been trying to find pictures of it(I have some Polaroids somewhere) to see how it compares to my memory of it.
with out a doubt the car (as seen in my avatar). Definately the longest, and hardest project I've done. I am a one-man-band doing this stuff. The downside is that now I am defined by this car. locally I am known as the "tumbler" guy. All the other stuff I've done in the last 20 yrs. doesn't even register in peoples minds much, maybe the costumes some. Every reference to me on the internet is in conjunction with the car.