Building Luke's Long Rifle from ANH - This time we're going to finish it!

Walter Neff

Active Member
Here we go again!!!! Only this time I am going to finish this gun!!!

I started on this a while back and want to get working on it again, Luke's long rifle from ANH. It's a nice gun, but it's no match for a Gaffi stick!!! There's not much doubt the prop was a modified Jezail, a kind of North African/Asian/Middle Eastern musket.

Anyway, below are pix of what I have done so far. Hoping you guys can help ID some parts. My guess is that a lot of the same parts were used all over ANH so I have no doubt you guys will know the parts from other props.

I think I have made a major dent in the building of this piece, the stock is really the bulk of the gun. I think if I can get the greeblies worked out and such I will be able to finish this puppy.

I have the long rifle from the recent 12 inch Luke figure, I know it's probably not super-accurate but it does give at least some idea of the what parts I might need. I didn't have the toy gun when I cut my stock out so I don't have an exact match. But it's close enough for government work...

Here is the stock, still needs to have a raised section of wood added on the top left.

I made it out of two long pieces of premium shelving wood from Lowes, it turned out pretty OK. It actually has kind of cool grain in the wood. I gave it a quick coat of stain just to see how it would look, but it needs more work obviously and to be stained darker when it's done.

I have a long piece of PVC pipe that I'm going to rip in half and use for the barrel, but that's about it as far as parts go.

Here is a side by side of my stock and the 1/6 gun. Not an exact match, but at this point I'm not worried about being uber-accurate, as long as I can get the thing done!

Here is closeup of the toy gun greeblies and action, just to get a sense of what were talking about.

Any advice on parts or other pix would be very much appreciated, thanks!
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That looks great!!

Here are a few photos I have collected that might help you. Most of these I got here on the board but the ones with the red background came from the Planet Hollywood in New York about twelve years ago. Make sure you post some pictures when you are finished. Good luck.


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At first glance I see a Fender knob and the big knob from the bowcaster. Also there's the coiled cord. What is that? Anyone ever get an ID?

Looks like there may be at least one Stormtrooper rifle /mouse droid cylinder.

The oval cylinders look like just tubes with round caps on the ends. Probably can get this from Plastruct.
Thanks Macklin I appreciate the help!

Funny enough I have a bowcaster body I'm planning to work on, has anyone assembled a list of the knobs needed for that? I might as well try to get all my knobs at once!

Cool, I'm glad people are interested in this. I wonder if folks would want a replica of Luke's rifle if a half way decent master could be built up?

Thanks again!
On the top i see a bimba air cylinder surrounded by 2 cyliders that look like cow magnets. In front of that i see 2 light sockets with either painted bulbs or ? inserted into them. On the side i see a DIN plug above the small knob.