BSG Viper designation?


Active Member
Moderators, I wasnt sure where to post. Please move if it would be more appropriate somewhere else.
Does the designations of MK1 and MK2 have any basis in BSG? Even though I never watched the show I know the MK2 was called that in the new BSG but I dont remember the MK1 being called that in the old BSG. Has the designations been given by the fans for clarity?
in the pilot when the white vintage viper gets unveiled by the chief to adama for the ships decommissioning, Adama stares at it nostaligically, grunts to himself and says "mark 2"
Moderators, I wasnt sure where to post. Please move if it would be more appropriate somewhere else.
Does the designations of MK1 and MK2 have any basis in BSG? Even though I never watched the show I know the MK2 was called that in the new BSG but I dont remember the MK1 being called that in the old BSG. Has the designations been given by the fans for clarity?

Okay, here's a way to clarify everything:

In the original "Battlestar Galactica" series, the Vipers were just Vipers. They had no Mark indication, because there were no other models before or after that.

For the re-imagined series, the older Vipers are called "Mark IIs,' primarily because Moore and Eick decided to utilize concepts of not just current military spacecraft, but also (at least to me), the way automotive companies release a certain type of car over the years (i.e. the Ford Mustang, which its design changed drastically over the decades they've been represent). Adama calls it a "Mark II" in the mini-series (as Lancer points out), and I do believe in "33" (or somewhere else in the first season), they refer to the newer ones as "Mark VII."

So, to answer your question: The answer is "no" for the original series, "yes" for the re-imagined series.
Weren't the MK I's seen in Caprica as Jet-like fighters? I know they referred them to Vipers.

Good question. That is currently under debate at the BSG forums I visit. But most believe that the Viper we see in that show is not the Mark I, as the ident number on the wings indication CAF (Caprica Air Force). This suggests that this is strictly an aircraft, not a spacecraft (and since it takes place before the war, the Colonial Fleet as we know it has not been developed yet). And its likely that the CF reused the name "Viper" for their spacecraft (this is also loosely based on how various aircraft in the real world Air Force have often reuse names for various jets).

And, we happen to see a "Viper, Mark I" in the Galactica Museum in the mini-series (and much like the old-school Raiders in "Razor", the Mark Is look dead on in the same design as the TOS Vipers).
And, we happen to see a "Viper, Mark I" in the Galactica Museum in the mini-series (and much like the old-school Raiders in "Razor", the Mark Is look dead on in the same design as the TOS Vipers).

Never noticed if before but there it is.

Heres another pic from a higher angle.
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As far as the Vipers in Caprica... I take it as the same thing with the Navy's Corsair. Same name used for two completely different planes in completely different time spans, one to give homage to another. F-4U Corsair vs. F8 Corsair.

So the Viper in Caprica could be a completely different designation, not a MkI of the current NuBSG series of Vipers... especially since they did have that TOS Viper in the hangar bay, ostensibly a MkI.