Bsg viper-bomber review


New Member
RPF member Rayp22 has created an excellent resin kit of a BSG Concept Viper-Bomber..It is 9 inches long appearing to be about 1/48-1/50 scale...It scales perfectly with the JPG Castings 1/48 Cobra, SMT 1/48 Patrol Craft ( Viper MK 1 ), SMT 1/48 Galactica Shuttle, Sci-Fi Models 1/48 Viper MK 4, Black Sun 1/48 Viper MK 2 + 1/48 Viper MK 7 + 1/48 Raptor, Bad Azz 1/48 Blackbird + 1/48 Stealthstar....Its a great piece to add to a BSG themed collection..I have one and will definitely acquire another...I give this kit a THUMBS UP....Check it out....
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[BECAUUUUUSE... direct linking to a Junkyard thread is seen as advertising outside of the Junkyard ;) - your friendly neighbourhood mod ManfromNaboo]

Edit: D'OH I KNOW THIS!!!!!! Bleah, brain farts. Shoulda just reposted the pic. Sorry, Michael!

Not sure why the link was left out of the OP.

Either way this belongs in General Modelling, not Studio Scale.
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Just wanted to say in chjoe's defense that he is new here as am I we are both older guys who just enjoy modeling and I respect the site and I feel chjoe possibly did not know of all rules in here and feel his intentions was not to try to sell anything because I make the model he was just giving it a recommendation alot of people are not as computer savy as many in here when they were born the computer was around already, when chjoe and myself were born we had the typewritter so sometimes people need to take a step back and think before striking a key and saying something nasty which is easy to do and to be anonymous, all I'm saying it doesn't hurt to tell a new member "Hey buddy I know your new here but your doing that wrong here's what your supposed to do" remember there is a real person behind the other side of that computer your talking to, hope the misunderstanding is cleared up. And yes I agree this should go under General modeling because its not a studio scale model.
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Here is a pic of the Viper Model I make with a X-wing concept I also made that chjoe is speaking of for those asking for a pic.
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Yes. As I said, 'either way this belongs in General Modelling, not Studio Scale.' I try to be helpful that way.