RPF member Rayp22 has created an excellent resin kit of a BSG Concept Viper-Bomber..It is 9 inches long appearing to be about 1/48-1/50 scale...It scales perfectly with the JPG Castings 1/48 Cobra, SMT 1/48 Patrol Craft ( Viper MK 1 ), SMT 1/48 Galactica Shuttle, Sci-Fi Models 1/48 Viper MK 4, Black Sun 1/48 Viper MK 2 + 1/48 Viper MK 7 + 1/48 Raptor, Bad Azz 1/48 Blackbird + 1/48 Stealthstar....Its a great piece to add to a BSG themed collection..I have one and will definitely acquire another...I give this kit a THUMBS UP....Check it out....
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