BSG Pyramid cards


Sr Member
I am working on my artwork for the new BSG pyramid cards and I have only one thing left. That is the numbering system. I have the symbols, but not the order the go in so to speak. I someone knows what should be on the cards, let me know. When done, I will post my artwork here.

Also, are there any speacialty cards? IE Jokers and such.

Here is the artwork for the Back of the cards.


Off to a good start as that's a complicated pattern to pick up from the images in the auctions.

I suspect you have access to a real card?

Either way, interested to see your progress.
Thanks, I think I have the suits down now. Oddly enough, it looks like they are the same as regular cards, IE 1-10 J Q K A, with just the addition of a one card. They are simular to the Mayan counting system too. Suits are Black, Red, Green and Blue. I have the cards in PDF if you want them, file is 2.5 meg.

Anyone who wants them, shoot me an email.
