BSG Fatigues, what are the closest?

Ttam Legacy

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what the closest fatigues are that you can buy, say, in a surplus store? The green and the urban camo uniforms are what I'm looking for. Thanks :)
They used Law Pro uniforms for the greens but you could use Tru-Spec if that's all you can find. I'm guessing the urban camo was the same brand.
SOB. Put the 'Law Pro uniforms' into google images. First pic to pop up was a Jude Law mastabation picture. Argh curse you google.
Try to find them GREY. Those are Navy Blue, the ones used in the series were grey. :thumbsup
Don't use RIT remover, just wash it a few times so it gets soft and a bit washed. That's what I would do.
I actually use RIT dye quite a bit. Especially for my Ghostbusters charcoal flightsuit that was made from a black flight suit. The key word was use a "dash"...

Those are close, but not quite. The was no velcro on the screen used ones (easily fixed, however) and the collar was different.



This one from Tru-Spec is pretty close. With some weathering, I think it would fit the bill.

Those are close, but not quite. The was no velcro on the screen used ones (easily fixed, however) and the collar was different.



This one from Tru-Spec is pretty close. With some weathering, I think it would fit the bill.


Pretty much dead on. Do you have a link to these cause I can't find them. lol