I just got a replica peacemaker for Christmas and I would LOVE to get Brisco's Dragon engraved grips for them BUT I cant get a clear shot of them from the series or find any pics online, can anyone help??
Yeah its the grips that are stumping me, The design is a dragon of some kind but I just don't see it and there was never a great shot of just the grips.
Thanks Tiberius for the caps. I can get screencaps that clean with my computer
I know this is a very old and stale thread. But I've recently been researching the same thing. These days it may be possible to 3-D print a decent set of grips. There are some close-ups of the grips in various episodes, but I could not get a good view of the pattern. I did find these two instances of antique ivory grips at auctions that are at least in the same theme. The second one looks pretty close, actually.