Feig does have a characteristic tone in his films. You either like it or you don't.
I have seen Spy and now Bridesmaids. I think they are quite different, both tonally and gag timing-wise. While Bridesmaids felt very, very slowpaced and redundant in many, many scenes I thought of Spy as a bit more witty, except for the scenes with that british comedian. Those scenes felt EXActly like many scenes in Bridesmaids, i.e. more like improv and without a "directed" or planned timing. The great comedians of my youth were Louis DeFunes, Fernandel, Jerry Lewis, Peter Sellers and as far as I know they all were absolutely nuts about perfect timing and planning gags.
If you don't, there's nothing I can say that could change your mind. It's just a matter of taste.
Yes and no. Good craftsmanship makes good movies and sometimes mediocre movies.
Some people think Martin Short is funny but I think he's just tiresome.
That IMO indeed is a matter of personal taste. Liking a comedian and his work is directly intertwined. Inner Space is one of my all time fave movies, so I guess there is one Genre movie that we can´t watch together, huh?
I think every Zucker Abrams Zucker film (starting with Kentucky Fried Movie) is hilarious. I've tried to get my wife into them but she refuses to be amused.
I bet it was the Catholic School Girls in Danger that your wife did not like

Very special humour, same goes for the Farrelly Brothers or the Adam Sandler gang.
But here it´s a director we are talking about, and ...
Is this real life?
Is the overdone hate for a mediocre "who cares?" movie getting so boring on the other thread we're resurrecting a long dead thread to drag a pretty damn funny flick down as well?
*****, guys.
... no, it´s not about continuing a thread but at least for me about analysing a director and his body of work. As I stated, I just saw the movie and wanted to add to the discussion. I did like Spy to some extent, although it is not a great movie its a fun and entertaining movie. But Bridesmaids was so well received that I gave it a try, and I found it to have a lot of issues that to me personally scream "not a well-crafted movie". I wanted to get onto the ride and see what it was all about and be entertained. What I found did not entertain me because I could not see across all the bad writing. Even the cookie cutter characters and preformatted storyline patterns were IMO executed in a very sloppy way.
E.g the Tennis match. A setup like that is, although I cannot pull up a comparison, a standard for showing rivalry. But usually there is at least SOME dramaturgy visible, start-middle-end with some curvature. The only curvature that I can see is that of the ladies. Duh.
The antagonist, i.e. other best friend. Comes out of nowhere. Was she mentioned or hinted at earlier in the movie? Did I miss something that was said in a dialogue because of the 10 sec jumps? The confession at the end and redemption came a bit too Anakin-like for me in the end.
The main character was not really likeable. We IMO were meant to pity her, but I found her just annoying. What deeper meaning i.e. function did it have that she was a failed bakery owner? The movie would have totally worked without that information. It IMO was totally deliberate and did not add anything to the character or the story.
I liked the Cop. Because I am able to identify with him to some extent. He is an everyman, a good guy.
The shots that showed the City scape. Again and again and again. What was so special about that city? What made it necessary for the movie and the audience to show establishers/expository shots again and again and again? Wouldn´t it have been much better to keep the city generic? Or is that bridesmaids and friend stealing thing somehow connected to that particular city?
I guess it is not only a matter of taste but also a matter of tolerance towards the quality of movie work that makes you like or dislike a particular movie these days. Next discussion stop: does getting swamped by mediocre works of art make us more susceptible to accepting levels of quality getting lower?
My girlfriend likes NCIS and CSI Cyber and whatnot. I hate most of the shows because of their low quality. I showed her Ripper Street. It did not make her lose her interest in NCIS etc. but I usually try to have my way and watch tv shows with at least some quality. And I want the kids to watch quality tv if they want to watch tv. That starts early, but BOY is that a tough job. But more about that in another thread, not trying to derail this one