Interest Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep) - Feb 1st Update


Master Member
Feb 1, 2016 Update:

I received an update from Russ that said the brass plates should be showing up next week and then they just need to be engraved. A big priority order had taken precedence in his shop recently and that pushed everything off for the time frame.

Russ also mentioned that he ordered a total of 60 plates, so there is still room for some more people.

When I hear some more, I'll be updating again.

Updated/Confirmed Interest List:
1) Serenity
2) ahoudini
3) Marsupial
4) Marsupial
5) KhalDrogo
6) KhalDrogo
7) MurdocXXL
8) MurdocXXL
9) Einstein
10) Einstein
11) The Schlitzie
12) Belmekor
13) Braz
14) deadpool14
15) helpfulnerd
16) helpfulnerd
17) helpfulnerd
18) v137a
19) Adam Fails
20) R2K9B9
21) MountainMan
22) MountainMan
23) Ravenville
24) Ravenville
25) dregoth
26) RobI
27) shaghe00
28) RiotJavelinDX
29) Spheric Thor
30) propcollector
31) troopermatthew
32) troopermatthew
33) Endless Wonder
34) Endless Wonder
35) LCarlsson
36) Noirkrahe
37) ShadowX81
38) ShadowX81
39) T3hCynic
40) Cookie
41) JakeTheLobster

November 9, 2015

Russ is ordering the brass sheet to be cut for the run tomorrow. We're still on course!

October 13, 2015

Hey all,

I just received an e-mail from Russ about the faceplate run. He said that the "turn around time would be 3-4 weeks" and "the only way I could do this run would be next month."

With that in mind, what I'd like to do now is a final confirmation that:

A) You are still interested in the faceplate run
B) If so, please confirm if you can make the payment in this time frame so we can get finally this run done.

I would handle the payments to keep the list up to date and organized, while Russ will handle the shipping of the plates once completed.

As long as we keep around the same number on the list, the payments would still be $75 shipped.

What I am going to do is send out a PM to everyone who is on the list with this same info, just to be sure they are contacted and don't miss the update. Please read it, then respond in the thread or via PM.


July 20, 2015

Well, as you guys can tell, things are moving a little slower than anticipated. I spoke with Russ at the beginning of July to add some plates to the list and arrange payment details, and he said that he was waiting to hear when the brass would turn up. I haven't heard another update back from him yet.

I know it's been a very, very long wait, but I promise I'll update everyone just as soon as I hear back from Russ myself!

May 19, 2015
Okay all, here's the update we've been waiting for!

Things have finally aligned and Russ says he will be begin cutting and preparing the plates starting next week. Once they are finished and ready to go, I will be updating and contacting everyone again with payment info. If you want to be added onto the list now, please let me know ASAP and we'll squeeze you on.

Thanks everyone for your patience!

March 23, 2015

Provided nobody drops out, we have now reached 30 plates, so that should mean we're at the $75 price break. I'll update Russ again and see what's next.

January 9, 2015

Here is the status of things:

We have confirmed interest on 18 plates (for now). We still need 12 more plates ordered to reach that optimal price break.

On Monday, I sent out PMs to 16 of the 17 remaining members who had expressed interest but had not yet contacted me since the update on December 15th. Of those members, I've had replies from four of them (three of them saying they needed to withdraw and one saying they were still in).

Of the remaining:

Five members haven't been online or active on the RPF for numerous months, including the one member I couldn't PM because they have messaging disabled. They account for 6-8 plates.

Five members haven't been online or active within the last 1-3 weeks, so they won't have received my reminder PM. Five plates.

Three of them are online right now or have been within the last day, so they should have received and read it, but have not yet replied. Three plates.

I know the delay has caused some complications, but if you know any of the members who are on the list but not confirmed, see if you can reach out to them elsewhere. In addition, spread the word and see if we can get some more Warehouse 13 fans in here who would be interested in a build!

December 15, 2014 - Okay everyone, it's time for a big update!

Russ ran the numbers and the cost of production (including the prices on brass and engraving) has gone up a little since the last run. For this run, we have the following price breaks:

If over 30 plates are ordered, Russ can have them done for $75 per plate.
If we only have 20 plates ordered, the price jumps up to $100 per plate.

These prices will include shipping.

Right now, if everyone who expressed interest commits for the numbers they said, we would have a possible total of 43 plates ordered. As with any run, we should expect some change to that, but I think we'll want to try to stay above that 30 plate number to keep the lower price break.

The next step will be to confirm who is still in on the run at the listed price and we can get these going. If you're still in, please let me know and we'll start getting people locked in. If you're not on the list yet, but still want on, feel free to jump on now as well!

Original post and list:

Hey all,

In response to some questions I received about my Farnsworth, I asked Russrep if he had plans to do another run of brass faceplates. Russ said that he could do one if there's enough interest and suggested that I start an sign up thread.

The run would be similar to the one from a couple of years ago. The faceplates will be in brass with the correct engravings and proper cutouts/holes for parts. They'll be sized and proportioned to fit the correct fly boxes as well.

If you're looking for a good start on info regarding the Farnsworths, start here:

With this being the final season of W13, it might be a good time for another run. If you're interested, please post in the thread and we'll get a list going. If this progresses, I'm sure Russ will provide details on an approximate time frame and price and I'll update things. However, I would expect a slow burn on things as it might take a while for this to gain momentum.


1) Serenity*
2) KhalDrogo*
3) The Schlitzie*
4) ahoudini*
5) MurdocXXL* (x2)
7) Endless Wonder (x2) (plus possibly 2 more)
8) redbouche
9) propcollector
10) v137a*
11) R2K9B9*
14) Braz* (x2)
15) Einstein* (x2)
16) helpfulnerd* (x2)
17) Stansfield
18) dregoth*
19) Belmekor*
20) snouty
21) RiotJavelinDX*
22) Adam Fails*
23) Bluebox303 (1, maybe 2)
24) McKeePhoto
25) deadpool14*
27) agirlcalledbob
28) Auberon
29) Marsupial*
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Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

Interested pending the usual... mainly price :$
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

I'm interested.

Sent from my SGH-S959G using Tapatalk 2
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

I'm also interested depending on price. Already finished mine with a plastic faceplate, but for the right price I'd spring for the upgrade.
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

Just out of curiosity, how many need to commit for the run to move forward?

That's a good question; I'll get in touch with Russ directly and find out. I'll update the first post when I hear back. :thumbsup
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

I will take one....and where do we get the correct fly box and all the greeblies?
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

I will take one....and where do we get the correct fly box and all the greeblies?

Give this thread a read:

Many of the links are currently dead, but there are still a lot of good info and sources for parts. I don't recommend buying the style of side jacks from the first post though, because most of the production Farnsworths use a different type.

If this ends up being a "GO", I can also help organize a group run of many of the greeblies needed as well.
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

I noticed that there is no link for the glass screen!! Where do we get this part?
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

I don't know... I'm not a fan of the watch glasses because they often have imperfections. The Ford radio glass that I used for my other Farnsworth is now completely discontinued. I contacted at least a dozen different places, but nobody has them in stock and they won't be getting anymore. (If anyone has a spare, please contact me!)

We need someone to do a run of plastic vacuform versions or something similar.
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

Humbly, the watch glasses are so cheap you can buy several and odds are, there will be at least one perfect one in the lot!
Re: Brass Farnsworth Faceplates (Russrep)

I'd be in if the price posted to Australia wasn't extreme.