Bossk progress thread


Well-Known Member
I Started this thread to show my progress in my Bossk costume. I might jump around a bit during the build because its hard to stop once you get going . So I started with the feet and the blaster. Here are some pics of what I have done so far with the feet. Its is all tiral and error with making stuff as you go along. I know i'm gong to have to repair these sometime down the road . I can just see it. But I have the help of another Bossk builder who already built his costume. He has a Bossk costume that has won many awards . His name is Dan the Bossk man Peterson. Thanks for all your help Dan




If anyone has any ideas about better ways to build stuff that I'm working on or better materials to use please let me know I'm always looking to improve the process
I started to put the scales on the feet. I tried to find a punch to cut out the scales but the foam paper was to thick . So I made a master scale and traced it on foam paper again and again...and then cut each one out individually. WHAT A PAIN IN THE NECK ! I like the result though :) So this is what one of them looks like. Mind you there not painted yet to match Bossk's skin. There still very rough looking. Man it takes a lot just to get this much done. Labor intense.


Finished the feet along with the leg flares. My wife made the leg flares. I can't sew to save my life.



So you don't have any plans just winging it?

For just playing it by ear these look pretty good!

Kinda remind of Gene Simmons boots from KISS

How are they to walk in?
So you don't have any plans just winging it?

For just playing it by ear these look pretty good!

Kinda remind of Gene Simmons boots from KISS

How are they to walk in?

There super cool to walkin . I feel super tall and mean :angry
Thanks for the feedback guys . I'll post more this weekend , I plan to work on it some more than.
I wasn't being a smart ass.

Just saying that is what it reminded me of.

Either way, he is off to a good start on his costume.
Those feet look fantastic! Bossk is one of my favorite bounty hunters. Can't wait to see how this turns out!