Book of the Dead?


Master Member
Deleted the info (don't want to get people in trouble due to my questions. I'm as neutral as Switserland :angel ).
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Oops, didn't mean to get someone in trouble...

Do you know if TomBSullivan actually sells "replica's" (if you can call them like that) of the book? Woud be awesome to own a prop replica that has been made by the exact same creator of the actual prop. It's almost as owning the actual prop.

I'm not that handy (paper props I can handle, but things like the cover of this book, are way over my head), but the book of the dead is an interesting prop.
Oops, didn't mean to get someone in trouble...

Do you know if TomBSullivan actually sells "replica's" (if you can call them like that) of the book? Woud be awesome to own a prop replica that has been made by the exact same creator of the actual prop. It's almost as owning the actual prop.

I'm not that handy (paper props I can handle, but things like the cover of this book, are way over my head), but the book of the dead is an interesting prop.

I thought he did sell them but according his homepage
Tom Sullivan is currently working on reproducing replicas of his work for sale on this site. More details coming soon. All questions and inquires relating replicas and art prints can be sent to Tom Sullivan at
So just send him a mail or Pm and he might tell you more.
Thanks for the info. I sent him a mail. Hope I get a response. Do you know what he charges (more or less) for a replica of the book of the dead?
Thanks for the info. I sent him a mail. Hope I get a response. Do you know what he charges (more or less) for a replica of the book of the dead?

I seem to remember it was very much....but you do get a replica made by the same guy who made the real one.
I contacted Tom last year. The price was around $ 1000. It includes the book and wooden case for it.
Mmm, that's quite alot. Pages are hand-drawn then, I assume (in human blood ;) )? If they are just printed, then this price is way too high.

I read some posts of Tom on this forum. Don't know what to think about him. Anyway, didn't hear from him until now.

As far as I know, Tom created the book for the first movie. The book sold in my first message is not a replica of that book, but of the book in the second movie. Tom claims he also has the copyrights on that one "because it is derived of the book in the first movie". As far as I know, you can't claim copyrights on something that "looks a bit like" your work. Anyway, that's another discussion

Anyway, if Tom answers my mail, I'll see what exactly he's offering. 1000 $ is A LOT of money for me, so if I would consider buying his replica, it sure has to be hand-written, I expect the cover to be real leather (not latex that's gone after a few decades), and I would first like to see some real detailed pictures of what he's selling.
Tom sold original "lost" pages from the 2nd ED movie on eBay this year. I do not remember the price but it was much higher than $1000 apiece. I am sure Tom's official replica should be great, but it wouldn't hand-drawn or with leather cover. It was mentioned, again I do not remember where, possibly on his site or in the emails, that pages are printed and the cover made of silicone. I am still waiting to see the pics of the finished book on the Tom's site as well, as different versions of the Kandarian Dagger. I also hope that both props will finally have lower price and Tom will sell a lot of them in that way.