Book binding question


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a large hardcover, but once I got it home, I found that it was in need of some repair. Basically, when you open the book, the fabric that runs down the spine has completly lifted away from the pages, and apart from a few threads, there's not much holding the pages in anymore. In fact, when you open the book to the center, the pages separate enough that you can see into the spine area.

I've read a tutorial online about book binding, and they say that one can just use Elmer's Glue to glue the fabric onto the pages when constructing a new book. I assume I could do the same to repair the book, as long as I find a way to spread it deep enough into the spine. But is Elmer's really the best thing to use? In my head, it just seems like Elmers would dry too brittle to be an effective book binding agent.

Anyone have any experience they could share?
I would think that Elmers would be too britle once dry, but I have no experience with this. a last resort, you could try taking it to your local library and see if they know where you can send it to be re-bound. Libraries send in books often when they are in need of repair.

On a somewhat related not, I once worked in a printing shop. When we needed to bind paper into note pads or what-not, we used a glue that had a rubber additive so that it would bend and stretch along the spine, but allow paper to be removed. But this wasn't something off the shelf, we had to special order it, and it was pink in color.
Thanks, Bob. You actually pushed my search in the right direction and I was able to find a reference to a specialty book binding glue. I just need to pick up a bottle and I should be in business.

Now, hopefully, I won't screw up my book. :)
I second the suggestion of going to the library, they do this on a regular basis so their input is based on tons of experience...
In my experience, standard white Elmer's glue, as long as it's not the school glue type, works just fine for book binding. I've used it on many handmade books, and they've all held up quite well.
I used elmers glue and light gauze for my book binding at home, and always come up with a great bound book. One of my personal journals was made in this manner and I have used and abused that book for over 7 years with no seperation of the pages and glue.

Though if you want something more professional, definately find a 'book binding glue,' though they are often more expensive than off-the-shelf-elmers. And the idea of seeking assistance at a library is a very good and helpful tip.

My binding tutorial can be downloaded for free here:
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Thanks, Bob. You actually pushed my search in the right direction and I was able to find a reference to a specialty book binding glue. I just need to pick up a bottle and I should be in business.

Now, hopefully, I won't screw up my book. :)

Well, color me surprised. Glad I could help.:)