Blue skin pattern Predator head


Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Hunter's and Huntresses,

I was checking out youtube earlier and saw a clip on predator masks. Throughout the video there were allot of different heads. One head that sparked my interest was painted in a blue, black and dullish white skin scheme. I was wondering if someone on here did the paint job? If so I would love to see more pics and also say just the preview looks really wicked, and they have a really cool imagination.

Thanks Daren
One of these? Or is there a diffrent one?






The blue mask at 2:26 in that youtube video is not the same mask as either of these:


In the above picture the mask on the left is one sculpted and painted by David Pea. The mask on the right is a mask I used to own. It was a Daniel Bravo P2 mask that was painted by Pete Mander for me.

Yep it is the one on the right side I believe.Cool head....Did you do the paintup?Do you have more pics?


Nope, I had those pics saved on the computer. I didn't paint either one of them. The mask you are talking about in the video, I think Art AKA NuckingFuts painted that one, Again thats a DB P2 mask...
If anyone knows the current owner of that Blue Pred Head on the left (with the orange eyes)...I'm interested in getting it back.
Anyone with any info about it's current owner?
If it's still in the condition that it was when I made it...I'd like to see if I can own it again.

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