Bio Shock Big Daddy

Looking for good photos and any ideas for making authentic looking Big Daddy Costume/Props, Please no Bouncers. Just General Big Daddy.

I'm sure you've gone to not, theres a bunch of great stuff.

It seems hardware stores will be your friend in this costume.

WOW :confused :confused :confused
Amazing. Nathan should get a gold star just for the weathering.
holey moley that's good!

Oh- and I believe this will help you.

Google rocks.

the guy in the guide went to for his dome

I actually had planned on using a plastic security dome for the helmet, I'm really glad you gave this link. I'm thinking for the pipes going over the helmet using stiff rubber pipe's made for radiators in heavy-machinery. I had used google, I was just hoping that I could find some more costume reference pics. As you sent me the best link ever for this, I really appreciate it. I hadn't seen that Nathan Awesome costume on google (maybe I just suck at googling, I've no idea), but wow. I'm going to be using some of those ideas. Thanks again!