Best "V for Vendetta" hat for under 50.00?


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Hey guys, my son's putting together a V costume and doesn't like the licensed hat- even he saw that it's just a re-tagged Zorro hat. :lol

I found a few dead ringers on eBay, but they start at 120.00, and some good looking pilgrim hats, but the crowns are way too tall or the brim isn't wide enough.

Anyone know any other options?


I just sold my old one for $20.00on ebay. Just a little late on that. My new one I got for something like $80.00 after shipping from I just talked to them, asked them to do a #64(puritan) with a grosgrain ribbon with the bow on the side instead of the buckle, and a flat, wire reinforced brim. They do amazing work for a reasonable price.