Battlestar Gallactica paper props


Sr Member
Im looking for the photos/blueprints of the ressurection ship, and wondered if anyone here can shed some light on the subject? What I did find in my travels across the internet was an amazingly cool presidential poll ballot someone posted in another public forum. Its the actual prop so I dont think Im stepping on anyones toes, but if I do please tell me Ill take it down.

Spoilers were blurred out because this was posted before the shows aired.
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Man, can't I finish one project without getting tempted by another? LoL Well, I guess Variety is the spice of life, eh?
Anyone else might want to tackle this for the free paper props thread? Would make a nice addition.


Here's larger source images:



This should also help with the BSG money issue. Now we can see the reason why it was thought there was a "cog" behing the Colonies crest and all the colony "icons" are clearly visable.