Battleship trailer


Legendary Member
BATTLESHIP Trailer and Poster

So... The initial question is: WHY?
Then the question is: Aliens??

They should have just made a WWII movie.
I'm waiting for "Checkers: King me!" in 3D. It's like the pieces are coming right at you!!!!!
The 3rd question: why is Liam Neeson in this?
The 4th: are they forgetting that no one has any battleships in service anymore?
I gotta admit, I had shivers down my spine when I saw this (really enjoyed the visuals)...but like most trailers today, that's probably the best part of the movie and that's it.

EDIT: Also, 400th post for me!
I found the first part of the trailer boring, but have to admit I liked the second half. Looks good, but like others have said, some times its better just to watch the trailers because it has all the good stuff in.
The 4th: are they forgetting that no one has any battleships in service anymore?

Cause "Destroyer!", "Cruiser!", or "Carrier!" doesn't have the same ring :cool

So... The initial question is: WHY?
Then the question is: Aliens??

They should have just made a WWII movie.

+1. That would have made far more sense. After reading a blurb on it, the reason aliens were picked was so that they didn't offend anyone in the international community by picking their country as the "bad guys".
hmmm... It looks like Battle:LA did have a sequel. Battle: Pacific Ocean.

As for seeing what looked liked an Iowa Class Battleship. Maybe they brought her out of service to fight, ala BSG. I dunno, i'm pulling straws here.

I really really want someone to make a modern Battle of Leyte Gulf. I can only watch it on "Dog Fights" so many times.
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I suppose if you've gotta make a movie about a board game, you might as well make it as much like Transformers as possible.
Trying to get my head around this:

1) watch movie
2) Rush out and buy board game (probably with snazzy movie specific sounds and lights or something)
3) Do awesome Liam Neeson impression while yelling out "F-4! You sunk my battleship! Unleash the Kraken!"
4) Evening degenerates into a Neeson quotathon and angry drunken argument about whether or not Ra's Al Ghul would have beaten Qui Gon Jin in a "fair fight"

I was originally going to slam this, but actually it sounds like a good marketing strategy and recipe for a great night in.
I dunno, i'm pulling straws here.

So were the writers when they came up with this thing. They could at least have done an alternate universe type deal where battleships were still needed or something like that. An alternate history or something but aliens seem to get blamed for everything. So far i really like the alien ship.
They could at least have done an alternate universe type deal where battleships were still needed or something like that.

yea, and they're outfitted for space battles! Maybe resurrect an old Battleship and modernize it with a big fu... oh wait. :lol
For a second there I thought I was watching a trailer for a remake of "The Philadelphia Experiment" or "The Final Countdown".
Goonie, shut up, dont give them any more useless ideas. Next up is PB&J the movie staring Ben Affleck and a digitally recreated Aaliyah.
Sorry can't see it on my android. I seen one on youtube. Not sure if it was fake or real. Probly real. HA!

So... We go from 2011 I proclaim it the "year of the alien" to "2012: year of alien continues??" Or will this be "Decade of the alien??" Gimme more prehistoric movies instead of alien invasions. I love em but its too much of a good thing. Whatever happened to a modern day situation and the good ol fashioned human bad guy??

(3-PO voice) My. Goodness.
Looks "interesting" , but other than game sales, why does this story need the "Battleship" tie-in. The story could have been made under a different title.
But I forgot, someone here related how things work in Hollywood...the script/treatment was probably already on the shelf when Hasbro showed up with the money.
Would have been better if a GIANT MECHA HAND had come out of the water to move the battleships. i guess those tin can plug things that sink themselves into the side of the ship are supposed to be the little red hit pegs from the game. What a load of silly.