Batman: The Ride Batwing


Sr Member
Hi Guys, for my first build-along I've decided to go for something a little bit different - The Batwing from Batman Adventure the Ride 2.

It's basically a 1989 style Batwing, but with a few extras that I'll have to scratch-build. Most importantly the two large fans in both wings. As well I'll have to do MANY surface modifications, filling, shaping etc.

I'll be using my old AMT kit for the job, it's a little bit messed up, but should be adequate.

So to start us off, here are some pics of the wing' in question. ;)



There ya go! If anybody has any suggestions for the finish, or any build tips etc. Be sure to post them. :)
Very cool - wish the original had had more 'plausability' designed into it as you have here. I like it!
That's good, I'm glad you like it! :)

Personally, I like the standard 89' the way it is in the film, and even in person since I got to see the original model last year. The design of it is a little bit more sleek and mysterious looking that what we see here.
Love to see an update to this as the Batwing is still a dream piece to own.

I haven't gone anywhere with it so far, it's laying in pieces in my "parts box". Honestly I'm not sure I'll ever get it made into the Batman Ride version.

I did however make a vehicle from the original ride, which maybe I'll share a bit later on.

Thanks for your interest.

take care,

I always loved this design because it basically looks the way it does only so it would have a great silhoutte in front of a full moon! :lol

I like the fans-in-the-wings look!