Batman Reboot very likely

I don't see why Batman would need to be rebooted to be in the Justice League. The Nolan series is great. Leave it alone!
I can't imagine it will be a full-on reboot, despite what the trades are reporting. It may get an facelift to fit into a more super-powered universe, but I can't see them going back to an origin story. Especially with Nolan's involvement. It's just not necessary. By the end of this, he'll have his cave, his butler, and his car, and the recent movies will be too well-received to retread.
The current talk is that Nolan's script is jeewhizamazing, so I hope he goes out with a bang.

Not in a Vicki Vale way, either.
I like the idea and concept of Nolan's real world take on Gotham. Just not thrilled with Christian Bale as the Dark Knight any longer. Stale bread to me, man. ...or Stale-Bale if you will. :p
Can someone just put Jon Hamm in the batsuit and get it over with, please?

I think he's better suited as Superman, but he's too old to do either now.

I don't think a reboot is necessary for a Justice League movie. I would have been happy with a World's Finest with Christian Bale and Henry Cavill or even Brandon Routh.
Casting a good Batman is all about Bruce Wayne, because everyone looks the same in a batsuit. You put my mom in all the gear and she's going to look like Batman as much as Michael Keaton. So you do a lantern-jawed guy with a hint of crazy, and Bruce Wayne is taken care of:

I don't see why Batman needed to be rebooted to begin with!


Seriously though, I hate these Nolan films. He's not that great a director. I fell asleep during Batman Begins, didn't enjoy TDK, and thought his Inception was a waste of time watching. Rebooting a rebooted series is just plain stupid. I've officially given up on paying for movies at theaters or dvds. I choose piracy cause they haven't earned my money for the past few years.
Just what I hoped would happen since these new Batman movies aren't about Batman but just some guy with a soar throat and a big weird vehicle...