Batman Props


Active Member
Hello all! This is my first post, glad to be finally part of the RPF! :)

Some know me from the BOTB or ROTB.
I am working on Batman Props and Costumes.
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Thanks for posting those pics--great work. Can you tell us what materials you used, and maybe what process you went through to get the final results?

Welcome, Red!
... Can you tell us what materials you used, and maybe what process you went through to get the final results?


The 3 arm Batarang was Prototyped in wood, then moldet with alginate, then casted with ceramic-plaster, overworked, and then molded with silicone.

(For other parts I used Tech-clay for Prototyping, other steps same as above.)

To cast the parts I use Urethane, very hard curing, and temperature stable.
I fill it with Aluminum, or Steel Powder, and after casting it will be sanded and polished like metal.

For the costume parts I use flexible Urethane Rubber.

The Gloves are made from Leather, and Synthetic-Leather.
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Just finished:
