Batman cowl first sculpt *WIP* pic heavy


New Member
So after watching so many talented builds on here I decided to try out sculpting for myself. purchased 2 little 900G blocks of chavant NSP medium to get me started. I figured i would try out something with simple shapes and lines to begin with so i went with the batman cowl (Not so simple when trying to get it symmetrical :p )

For the base i used a plastic head my girlfriend had lying around the house (supposed to be for hairdressing) actually worked out well as its got a little clamp on the bottom so i can rotate it when it is locked to the table. Covered it in foil and started laying on thin layers of clay.

Oh and apologies for the bad photo quality HTC phone but you get the idea.

image 3.jpgimage 2.jpgimage 1.jpgimage 4.jpg

So when i got to this stage (below) i realised that the eye sockets were just way to big so made some adjustments and i am kinda happy with the size and shape of them right now (last pic)
image 5.jpgimage 6.jpgimage 7.jpgimage 8.jpg

I don't have cash for clay tools right now all this was done using just my fingers and a trusty guitar pick to kinda flatten specific areas.

On another note can anyone help with an alternative to smooth the clay?, I seen some guy on youtube using lighter fluid but not sure i want my fingers smelling of petrol while I work on this. Reason being is im finding it pretty hard to work with the clay I tried to heat it up a little but i didn't find much difference. Might just be my flat is pretty cold right now typical Scotland.

Anyways Thanks for viewing more to come every night this week if all goes to plan
didnt get any work done tonight as my hands are dying. working with clay without heating it up is rough stuff. might have a look at using my heat lamp from my old chameleon viv to soften it a little before i work with it
I too am a total noob when it comes to this sort of thing and have only just touched, clay, latex and paints for the first time in the past month or so.. This forum can be very intimidating so good on you for posting!

Not sure if it helps, or if they are the sort of thing you are after but I got a little kit of clay tools on

Some day ill muster up the courage to post some pics here. Ill keep an eye out on your sculpt! :)