Batman Begins Tumbler Steering

Gordon Gekko

Sr Member
I have a dream, and it starts with the front steering of the Batman Begins Tumbler. Anyone here have any idea of the "official" monniker for that type of steering. I fear my ignorance has led me to a roadblock. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ahh.. Just the kick in the pants I needed. Thanks much WTF.

Originally posted by wtfjedi@Jan 7 2006, 07:14 PM
its called center hub steering.
How is that project tumbler coming? I just saw BB for the first time recently and am all ga-ga over the it true that the manufacturer who made five of them will be making a limited run of 50 for public sale? I'd love one. :D


In the 2 disc set it shows them building the Tumbler. Without the body it looks like a giant dunebuggy.