Batman Begins Scarecrow Mask


Active Member
Hello all, ive been thinking of doing this mask for a long ass time and im finally gonna get around to doing it I think as the scarecrow has always been a fascinating character to me and the mask is just badass. The thing is I want to make it accurate as possible and I can't seem to find any pics of the back of the mask. If theres any pics of the screen-used mask after or during production, not worn it would be preferred but anything is good. If anyone has one to post please feel free and show off. Thanks...............The Stache
Here are a few. I don't remember who posted these pics originally, so I can't give the proper credit at the moment.


  • 277177.p.jpg
    523.8 KB · Views: 10,079
  • Scarecrow-13.jpg
    230.1 KB · Views: 9,942
Here are a few. I don't remember who posted these pics originally, so I can't give the proper credit at the moment.
Those are perfect Mr. Montagar, I need to set aside some time to start this thing up.

Again BIG thanks for the pics,

-The Stache :D