Question Basic Statistic (answered)

Alan Castillo

Master Member
Any idea what the average age of RPF members is ?

It would be interesting to see this by groups, eg 18-25, 25-35, 35-45 etc.
If you base it on the birthdates members give when registering the average age is 32.9... which is quite different than what you see above. Perhaps with the influx of new members this number has come down because it seems our bread and butter is coming from the 35-45 age group.
That's exactly what I was curious to find out. I would've bet my right arm that the age average was lower than 35 as it stands today. I was quite surprised to see the 40 as the average age.

Bet you that if you took the AA of 2 years ago, it would be appx 39-42.
Agreed. No doubt the age has dropped over the past couple of years. As the "Star Wars generation" ages, we are slowly losing them to real life, family, age, work, etc and they are slowly being replaced by a younger crowd, which in all honesty is a good thing. If this site had continued to be unfriendly to the younger generation, within the next 5-10 years, I think it would dry up completely. As it stands, while "youngins" can be annoying, I am glad to see the next generation is still interested in props and costumes!