Barcode Scanner on JJ Abram' sEnterprise Bridge


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is true but while I was "just surfing", I found this BLOG which claims the JJ Abrams are using barcode scanners on the bridge, located between Chekov and Sulu.

Being a bit curious, I went to eBay and I think, from the pictures, the model seems to be Symbol M2004-1400 Barcode Scanner.

How he got such god quality screencaps is beyond me..........
I posted on this a couple of weeks ago when I saw the movie as I have a cyclone scanner on my desk at work. Really pulled me out of the 'star trek being set in the future' when I noticed this.
yeah, we use those in various departments at amazon.. same model.
I noticed, well, EVERYONE at amazon who saw the first pictures from the bridge noticed it.. we even looked them up on their website and priced them.
NOT cheap
personally I HATED that decision... what's worse is I don't ever remember them being used or touched during the entire movie!
They might have been used, but secnes cut. I think it was Mel Brooks who said (and this isn't the exact quote) that when you look at your first cut of a movie, you see at least three hours of crap. You cut that down to two and a half hours of not quite as bad crap... cut again to two hours of "not too bad", and eventually, you get it cut down to something to be proud of.
perhaps they were intended to be part of the viewscreen?
Projecting an image onto the glass or whatever lol

eh.. yeah, it was a crappy idea to have them there.

eh.. yeah, it was a crappy idea to have them there.

Absolutely. Very bad choice, as well as all those lamps on the bridge. I initially thought those lamps were a nod to the design of the first bridge in "The Cage", but would they really think of something like that ?

The most famous (and to date IMO still the best) german Sci-Fi show "Raumpatrouille – Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion" (Space Patrol : The fantastic adventures of the space ship Orion) had flat irons and pencil sharpeners on their bridge.

But that was 40 years ago !!!

I was so excited when I found out that my dad had one of those sharpeners in his bureau :lol:lol:lol

I´d really like to see how big the budget for set decoration was on the new ST :\
All I could think of when I saw them on the bridge was, "Hey we use to scan our library with."

But yeah I agree.....
Love 'em or hate 'em, I have them!


Now I just don't know what to do with 'em..... :-/
I didn't mind them using these as set decorations... because until you guys who work in libraries or supermarkets (and specifically American ones, I've never seen them here in the UK) pointed it out to me? I had no idea that they were found items, let alone what they actually were.

I suspect most people in the world are the same.
Initially I was kind of disappointed they just stuck a few bar code scanners on the bridge, but after seeing the film, they really didn't bug me much. I do wish they'd of modded them out in some fashion, but found items are nothing new in sci-fi, are they? Should we talk about ice cube trays, and oil funnels? How about hammer drills, and motor cycle parts?
