Back to the FUture Props

I bought them with the intent to resell and by some stuff I really want, but they are really cool. lol

Getting the original newpaper where Griff is arrested and a Velocoraptor egg from Jurrasic Park next week.
You Son of a *****! ;)

Let me know if you want to scan the newspaper, send me the image and get a replica for yourself. :love
Bikerfett those are really cool.Does the Almanac and the Oh La La have pages with information.
amazing what is out there
the Almanac and the phone book page would be great to get
jealous? -- yes I am
Very nice!
I have an original print of the Almanac cover - unfolded. It was one of the "backup" covers printed for use in the movie.
Originally purchased MANY years ago through the Williams Collection. I don't have any pics of it but if you guys are interested in seeing it I will snap some and post them up...
Before you sell these, may I politely ask for all BTTF fans here on the RPF, if you could do a scan of the dust covers of both props in high res for the paper props? There never has been a decent scan so far as I remember...