Avatar Costumes?


New Member
Avatar Power Suit (This might work better as a prop, unless someone could find a way to make it function with someone in it.)

Jake Sully (Na'vi)

Jake Sully (Na'vi - Normal Attire)

Ikran (Again, this might work better as a prop.)
I was at Starfest 2010, and there were a couple of Avatar Cosplayers. one of the guys looked like it was body paint, but printed spandex.

sorry for the blurry camera picture




those are all three of them
i like the third avatar pic, the guy with the gun
do you have any idea how that might be done? (MasterLe)
what he used was a nerf longshot "painted of course, about 25-30bucks at walmart", and a tin can for that ammo barrel effect. from looking at it when i saw him.

heres a picture of that modified.

The girl looks amazing.

Yeah she was really cool, had alot of people in my after party room. Her BF was dressed as Logan XD.

That first Avatar dude pic is priceless:lol Does he have a stash?!:lol:lol:p
we was wearing some kind of latex for the top part of his face.

I bet this 'costume' will end up on the worst costume thread. The guy in the background is even having a good laugh.
Avatar Power Suit (This might work better as a prop, unless someone could find a way to make it function with someone in it.)

It's possible to do as a costume, as there were tons of Power Loaders from "Aliens" made:
Example 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKF6H8k-h0E
Example 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzoIbc4ZyUM
Example 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5RzmVC21CY
Example 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfYoUt14G58

It may be a bit scaled down for it to work, but a Power Suit as a costume is possible.
I still think they all look like giant pokemon haha. I kinda wanted to do a costume for the soldiers. Too bad I didn't really care for the movie. I'll do a marine from Aliens instead.