Assassin's Creed Origins Julius Caesar HELP


New Member
Greeting fellow RPF. I'm currently working on the Julius Caesar costume from the Assassin's Creed Origins and I'm asking help in identifying some of the symbols/emblem of the roman muscle cuirass worn by julius caesar in the picture below. I believe the emblem on the chest resemble a medusa? and the shoulder resemble a lion? I could be wrong, so is there any expert around here that could help me?
Julius Ceaser Top.JPGJulius Ceaser Top 2.JPG
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I would Google actual images of the historical armor. It appears different in a number of sculpts. However, there are three things found common among most of them and that is:

1) The head (or heads in one case) of a Gorgon. (Medusa)

2) The head (or heads) of a lion.

3) An eagle with wings spread. (Most often in the lower abdomen section)

Until someone can drop some better images thats the best I can come up with. It would appear they took some liberties developing this armor, but then again so apparently did history because from one statue or bust to another it is never depicted the same.
Yes, that's a medusa and a lion's head... I don't know how you're planning on making that, but it's possible to find similar brass repusse medallions. I used to do Roman re-enactment and found that stuff at places in downtown LA that sold buttons and other findings. You could try here: or or this place which is actually pretty crazy: A lot of our stuff comes from a company called Deepeka but they operate in India so you'd most likely need to buy from a vendor rather than them directly but they do do custom work (but aren't reliable with it).

Historically, each person would typically have their own unique muscle cuirass/musculata but only certain officers. The medallions were typically signs of rank/awards. Regular soldiers would wear lorica segmentata or in that period the lorica hamata (chain maile) was more common. I've done a lot of reenactment and played a lot of Assassin's Creed and I have to say this is the worst game in terms of historical accuracy... and some of the stuff I've seen has me SMH, but whatever it's a video game...
Thank for the feedback. Considering that every single statue of Julius Caesar that I've google which is none of them is the same, I think I'm going to follow the "UBISOFT" adaptation/version of Caesar. I'm going to make everything from scratch, using eva foam, worbla and 3D print.

I've find the lion head stl file for the 3D print and the only thing left is the pattern on the armor and the medusa head. Hopefully can find them or I've to the old fashion way using craft clay.

Here the lion head
Liquid putty is good idea for smoothing the surface. It's printed in PLA od ABS? I smooth 3d printed PLA parts in acetone. Aceton isn't as aggressive for PLA as it's for ABS.