ARNIE - silcone bust with hair - John Matrix


Sr Member
Hi All

Wilysteve has been working on one of his silcone busts for me -

Im getting this done in COMMANDO style with cam face paint etc.

I hadnt seen any of his other Arnies with hair yet so was a pleasantly suprised by how fubulous this looked in my email this morning.

Arnies got a bit of a "name of the rose" going on just now:lol

I`ll post any more pics that come through.

A hundred thanks Steve for pulling off what looks set to be a fabulous Matrix!




Thanks guys - Steves work is amazing - I think it will be a nother 3 weeks or so before hes finished and ready for the makeup.

I need to find a good vest for him.:confused

I'd personally love to see one finished up like Conan with the black and white face paint.:cool
Whoa, thread-necromancy!!1 :eek

OT: Wilysteve's bust is my all-time favorite of any Schwarzenegger sculpt I've seen here (or anywhere else for that matter).

Did this particular one ever get finished? [pixpixpix]
Those pictures are photoshoped!!! You just found a picture of Arnie and removed his body, some of his hair and made the hair longer!!

Kidding aside - that is amazingly awesome!!!! Great job.
Missed this the first time and Wow!

Looks so life like its unbelievable!!!!!!!!!