Approximating mirrored foil on boots?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm doing a Flash costume and instead of the usual canary yellow or gold spandex boots I was hoping to get it more like the comics by approximating mirrored foil.

Option 1: some sort of metallic paint that really mirrors. Sure there's metallic spray paint but most of those dont mirror much. Is there perhaps something I can put over existing paints to make it really mirrored? Or just a paint I'm overlooking?

Option 2: I have a roll of gold auto trim. It's perfect in mirror and color, but there will be some highly visible seams...and its not looking like the easiest thing to do. Could always lay it over the boot pattern since the pattern pieces are flat then re-construct, but I'm just wondering what the best way might be.

Thanks in advance.
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Your picture isn't working.

I'd recommend heat stretching some chrome gold vinyl over the boots you'll be wearing and glueing them down like the Scout Troopers do for their boots. Any decent sign shop should stock or can order the chrome vinyl.
The chrome vinyl (I'm assuming you mean with a mirrored finish) will not stretch. Gold or Silver.

Just a bit of advice.
They dont necessarily have to stretch as long as I can walk in them. I've seen some chrome colored leather before, but that doesnt mirror very much. Got a pic of what you're talking about?