Anyone Know UK eBay Seller:

Originally posted by ob1al@Mar 15 2006, 09:07 PM
Yeah, I saw that auction too Joe and wondered the same thing.

Thanks Al

It claims the armour is from TM? Just wondered if this is correct, looks like nice stuff.

i've been wanting to know who this person is for a while now, i have a few suspitions regaurding to his products :unsure
I can guess why,

I spotted that he sold a couple of c3po heads a while back that looked very similar to my zorg head.

( which is still awsome btw)

Originally posted by zorg@Mar 16 2006, 12:00 AM
i've been wanting to know who this person is for a while now, i have a few suspitions regaurding to his products :unsure
Please don't tell me he is a recaster. I recently purchased his Christies "move along" replica helmet. We really need to get a buyer beware thread list going if that's the case.