Anyone here own any ACME Jack sparrow items?


Well-Known Member
I know they're fantastic and I may finally be able to afford a hat and a couple other items. Anyone know his direct email address? If so PM it to me. I keep trying to contact him thru ebay to work out a deal where I can get a hat and his buckles for my belts, but it's a pain. Would be easier to email him directly. Thanks!
I own ACME Brand items (buckles, sash). I would assume that Mr. ACME Brand is busy working away in his Captain Jack Sparrow workshop with the elves in order to meet his holiday orders.:lol

I have contacted him multiple times through eBay and he responds. Check to see if you can find his email address through eBay and contact him that way.
Contacting him can be difficult. He answers about 50% of the time. Good luck, though! Hope you get what you are looking for!