Anyone Have Hi-Def Screen Capture of ROTJ Emperor?


Sr Member
I'm interested in some detail information regarding the contact lenses used in ROTJ for Palpatine. If anyone might be able to provide a hi-res closeup (as much as possible anyway) of his eyes, I'd be very appreciative. :)

Thanks in advance.
Once upon a time, I had screen cap threads here .. look under my name and I might be able to help you later tonight. Make sure to specify times at which we see Palpatine and I'll screen cap him for you!
Just wait until September... all six films are getting released as a nine disc blu-ray collection. The wait will be more rewarding because not only will you get your hi-def shot but your enjoy every part of the Star Wars saga in hi-def. Plus, I don't think a hi-def shot even currently exists... until they release the collection.
Thanks for the nudge Bigturc. :)

After reviewing your thread from 2008, I think this photo would do nicely if you might be able to home in on the eyes. The time index on the DVD would be around 1:32:54. Not pictured in your lineup and perhaps just a bit closer-up would be time index 1:33:13 or so. Thanks again for the help.
I should be able to dig out my HD copy tomorrow unless someone beats me to it.
1080p captured and saved as BMP so no quality loss from compression.


And brightened up a little:

And enlarged 200%:
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Could those eyes be the same as Darth Maul?

Or they look more yellow and with a bigger black circle?
