Anyone ever make a gort out of a mannequin?


Sr Member
[attachmentid=7544]Question for the pros...

I have always wanted a life sized Gort from Day the earth stood still.
I have a life sized rubber mask that I would think mold could be made, then modified to make the visor rise etc.

Could this be put on a mannequin then take PVC pipe for arms and legs?

Fashion shoes from clay or ???

any ideas or who would like to tackle this one?

Let me know.
Klato barata nickto... or something.

Tom :thumbsup
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Sure, I don't see why that wouldn't work. Gort is big. Go to the The guys name is John Riggs he has a Gort that he built from scratch it's sweet.

Best of luck and keep us posted, if you do mold a head from your mash I want a copy ...........
Originally posted by kdawg1@Apr 9 2006, 10:39 PM
Sure, I don't see why that wouldn't work. Gort is big. Go to the The guys name is John Riggs he has a Gort that he built from scratch it's sweet.

  Best of luck and keep us posted, if you do mold a head from your mash I want a copy ...........

Errrrrrrrrm........careful of that link.
I just cut/pasted it and got a virtual sex site
Gort is indeed too big for a mannequin- 8ft but might be a doable PVC project or even a cardboard/paper art type- Very cool idea-

