This is one of Apogee's MOCO pylon covers. This version dates from around ST:TMP, and was likely used for the Klingon shots. The pylons were different sizes depending on the size and weight of the models. (ILM took all the equipment built for STAR WARS up to Marin when they relocated. Apogee rebuilt their own stuff after that.) The ones for STAR WARS and BSG were slightly smaller, about 3" square. This one is about 4 1/2" square.
I made the internal fitting out of plumber's pipe, T-connectors and a floor flange. The thing the blue pylon is sitting on is an old friction head from a TV camera.
All this is is a translucent piece of ABS that has been vac-formed into 1/2 a long, rectangular box, glued together, and painted blue to form a cover that drops over the neon wrapped model pylon. As you can see, the color is...... well, it's blue. Really deep blue. If you want to get really anal and match the bluescreen that they used, you need a deep, primary blue color. If you want something to actually photograph (like Kurt), you can go with either a blue or a green. Digital cameras can pick up the differences in color better than film, so you don't need to be as picky.